Photo Credit: WWE

Ryback Addresses Rumours Of Him Going To AEW

During a recent interview with Comic Book Movie, former WWE superstar Ryback discussed the possibility of him joining All Elite Wrestling. The Big Guy hasn’t been too prevalent in the pro wrestling scene over the course of the last few months, but that hasn’t stopped the rumours from surfacing regarding his future.

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As I’m sure you’re aware, rumours are swirling that you could be heading to All Elite Wrestling, so I wanted to start by asking is that something you could see happening and have there been any official talks? 
Right now, my main priority is just getting healthy. I just had another shoulder scope yesterday which was my second one in two years. I’ve had ten stem cells procedures and I’ve got the eleventh coming up on February 11th. That, right now, is my main focus. I want to get as strong and healthy as possible and that will take a few months and then I can evaluate where I am physically and decide what route I want to go with wrestling. I have no doubt that no matter what I choose, it will be the right decision. After leaving WWE, I was hurt first and foremost and I’ve essentially saved my career and been blessed by the technology that we have with stem cells where I’ve avoided having five discs fused and a shoulder replacement. I was in a bad way so it looks like I’m going to have a second chance to actually have a new body and do what a lot of performers wouldn’t have had the opportunity to do. Where that’s at, I don’t know, and it honestly hasn’t crossed my mind yet because I need to get to a certain level health wise before I know I can push myself at a high level again.