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NJPW Destruction In Hiroshima Results (9/15) Ishii/Omega. More.

NJPW Destruction In Hiroshima Results (9/15) Live In Progress
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

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FIRST MATCH: KUSHIDA, Tiger Mask & Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Roppongi 3K (SHO, YOH & Rocky Romero)

YOH and Liger start the match. They lock up. YOH gets Liger on the ropes. YOH teases a Shotei but breaks clean.

Liger locks in a headlock. Liger hits a shoulder tackle. YOH kips up. YOH hits a dropkick. Liger throws YOH out of the ring. Liger hits a baseball slide. Liger rolls YOH back in the ring.

YOH pummels Liger. Liger hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Backbreaker. Liger locks in a Surfboard Stretch. Romero breaks up the submission. Romero and SHO stomp away on Liger. YOH hits a drop toe hold. Romero and SHO hit stereo sliding dropkicks. YOH covers for two.

Romero tags in. Romero pummels Liger in the corner. SHO chokes Liger. Romero smacks Liger. SHO tags in.

All of Roppongi 3K gets fought off by Liger. Liger hits SHO with a Shotei. KUSHIDA tags in.

KUSHIDA hits a dropkick. KUSHIDI hits a Sunset Flip Mid Kick on Romero. KUSHIDA hits SHO with a hiptoss and a cartwheel dropkick. KUSHIDA locks in a Cross Armbreaker. SHO powers out. SHO fights out of Hoverboard Lock. SHO hits a Gutwrench Dominator. Tiger Mask tags in. Romero tags in.

Roppongi 3K hit a triple knee on Tiger Mask. SHO hits a backcracker. YOH hits a dropkick. Romero covers for two.

Tiger Mask counters 3K. KUSHIDA hits a handspring double elbow on SHO and YOH. Romero hits Forever Lariats on Tiger Mask. Tiger Mask ducks. Liger hits Romero with a Shotei. Tiger Mask hits a Tiger Driver for two. Tiger Mask hits a Tiger Suplex for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Jushin Thunder Liger, Tiger Mask & KUSHIDA