Saudi Arabia GSA Apologises For WWE Including Women In Advert At Greatest Royal Rumble

Last night at Greatest Royal Rumble, WWE aired the ‘Best of Both Worlds’ advertisement to the live crowd during the show. According to Saudi Arabia’s General Sport Authority, this broke a rule that was in place regarding female superstars being shown in any form of promotional material. The GSA issued an official apology as seen below, with a Reddit user also translating the statement.

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“The General Sport Authority would like to apologize to the viewers and attendees of last night’s WWE event that took place in Jeddah, over the indecent scene involving women that appeared as an ad before a segment. It would like to confirm it’s total disapproval of this, in the shadow of its commitment to eliminate anything that goes against the communities values.

The authority has made sure to ban showing of any segment that involves women wrestling or any scenes related to it, and stipulated that to the company (WWE). The authority also disapproved any promotional stuff with pictures or videos showing women in an indecent way, and emphasized on commitment of this rule. And it’s a commitment that the authority would still commit to forever in all of it’s events and programs.”