Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

New Japan Cup Night 6 Results (3/15) Sabre/Ibushi, SANADA/Yano, Okada/Tanahashi Meet In Tag Team Action, More.

New Japan Cup (3/15) Live In Progress…
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New Japan Pro Wrestling finished the quarter-final round of their annual New Japan Cup tournament. The show aired at 5:30am EST on,

FIRST MATCH: Ren Narita & David Finlay vs. Shota Umino & Tomoyuki Oka

Nariat and Oka begin with chain wrestling. Oka maintains dominance. Umino tags in. Finlay tags in. Finlay dominates Shota. Finlay tags in Narita. Narita slams Umino. Finlay tags in and suplexes Umino, but Oka breaks up the pin.

Finlay slams Narita onto Umino in a double team maneuver. Narita and Finlay double team Umino. Shota fights back. Shota hits a dropkick. Shota tags in Oka.

Oka takes out Narita and Finlay. Oka splashes Finlay. Finlay counters a Body Slam, but eats a Belly To Belly Suplex but Narita breaks up the pinfall. Oka locks in a Boston Crab but the hold gets broken. Finlay fires up and pummels Oka with forearms. Oka responds with European Uppercuts. Finlay hits a Uranage Backbreaker, but Umino breaks up the pin. Finlay hits a lariat for two. Finlay hits a Stunner for the pinfall.

WINNERS: David Finlay & Ren Narita

SECOND MATCH: Toa Henare & Togi Makabe vs. CHAOS (Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI)

Yoshi-Hashi and Togi Makabe lock up. Yoshi-Hashi dominates with a side-headlock. A number of shoulder tackles do nothing to fell Makabe. Makabe drops Yoshi-Hashi with a shoulder block. Henare tags in and hits a double shoulder block with Makabe.

Goto tags in and exchanges forearms with Henare. Henare locks in a side headlock. Henare fails to topple Goto with shoulder blocks. Henare ducks a lariat and hits a huge shoulder block. Goto responds with a lariat. Double shoulder block from Yoshi & Goto. Goto hiptosses Yoshi-Hashi onto Henare, and Goto and Yoshi-Hashi pose.

Goto maintains dominance on Henare. Yoshi-Hashi tags in. Yoshi-Hashi keeps Henare grounded. Goto tags in. Goto hits a back elbow for two. Goto locks in a Boston Crab. Henare fights to the ropes. Henare fights back and tags in Makabe. Makabe pummels Goto with Lariats. Makabe hits mounted punches. Goto fights back but Makabe lariats him for two.

Double lariats fell neither man. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. Both men are down. Henare tags in. Yoshi-Hashi tags in. Henare ducks the Western Lariat and hits a shoulder tackle. Henare climbs to the top and hits a flying shoulder tackle. Henare misses a corner lariat. Yoshi-Hashi hits a Thrust Kick. Goto and Yoshi-Hashi go for Magic Killer but Henare fights out. Makabe and Henare double team everyone. Henare hits a Spear for two.

Henare goes for a Samoan Drop but Yoshi-Hashi fights out. Henare hits a Spinebuster for two. Yoshi-Hashi hits a Western Lariat for two. Yoshi-Hashi locks in the Butterfly Lock and Henare submits.