Matt Striker and Harry Smith strike corresponding blows during the WWE RAW Summerslam event at the Acer Arena, Homebush Stadium in Sydney, Australia on August 4, 2006. (Photo by Don Arnold/WireImage)
IWGP Tag Team Champion Davey Boy Smith Jr. has posted the following, harrowing story on Twitter about how he stopped a woman from jumping off a bridge last night in Calgary:
I saved a girl today from jumping off a bridge. Thank you to my years of grappling for saving this girl. Life is precious
I’ve been fortunate to know DB Jr. (Harry) for many years due our time we spent together in Billy Corgan’s Resistance Pro Wrestling here in Chicago. Harry is one of the best people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in the business and it doesn’t surprise me at all to here about him doing something so heroic like this. Class act and deserving of a nice tweet from you today. Also, if you are struggling with depression or suicidal tendencies I cannot urge you enough to reach out for appropriate help. You are loved, I assure you.