Charlotte Flair was recently interviewed by Mix 94.1 Mercedes In The Morning to promote both SmackDown Live and the Mae Young Classic. Charlotte gave the status of Ric Flair’s health, who inspired her to become a pro wrestler, whether she parties like Ric Flair, and more.
Here are the highlights.
Who inspired her to become a pro wrestler:
“Really, it was my little brother. His dream was to be a WWE superstar and follow in his father’s footsteps. And in 2012, he convinced he to try out at FCW in Tampa, and we were gonna wrestle together and live together, and he passed away, and now I’m living his dream.”
Status of Ric Flair:
“He’s doing much better. He’s keeping the staff entertained. That’s for sure.”
If she parties like Ric Flair:
“I’m eating egg white omelettes with Becky Lynch. And working out. So, no.”
Ultimate goal:
“Main event WrestleMania. 100 percent… I think it would be pretty cool [to compete against] one of the Four Horsewomen, or a Fatal 4-Way. But, no one [in particular]. [As long as it is] the right story, the right moment, the right build. I hope [Stephanie McMahon].”
Charlotte also shared her workout routine and her thoughts on the Mae Young Classic. You can view the full interview below.
***If any portion of these quotes are used, please use Mix 94.1 Mercedes in the Morning via WrestleZone for the transcription***