Former NXT Tag Team Champion Simon Grimm, f.k.a Simon Gotch, recently had a Q&A session on Twitter. Grimm answered questions regarding what he would change about his WWE run, possible WWE return, thoughts on Randy Orton, and more.
Here are the highlights.
Favorite country and place to wrestle?
Thoughts on the current WWE Product?
“I haven’t watched anything since April.”
Have you considered wrestling for GFW in the future?
“I have.”
Thoughts on Aiden English’s current gimmick?
“The Drama King was always more him.”
Why you still use your WWE Twitter handle?
“Because as soon as I’m [about] to change it, someone always ask why I haven’t yet and it’s my nature to descent in the face of authority.”
Do you have any desire on working your way back to WWE like Drew or is it not worth it?
“It really depends on where I’m at.”
12 months from now, HHH calls you and asks you back to WWE for a singles run…do you accept?
“It depends on what I’m doing at the time.”
Who was the most popular person in the locker room and who was the funniest?
“Rich Swann.”
Do you think your career will be better outside of WWE?
“Already is.”
Do you miss the WWE?
“Not really, I miss my friends.”
Who is your favorite superstar and what is your favorite tag team of all time?
“Steve Blackman and Head Cheese.”
Who is the kindest person that you got to know during your time with WWE?
“Asuka is probably the top, but there were a lot of nice people.”
If you could change anything about your time with WWE, what would it be?
“Get a few of those WrestleMania main event payoffs.”
What are your thoughts on Randy Orton?
“He cool.”
First choice for a yearlong successful tag team championship run (any fed, any era)?
“Miracle Violence Connection.”