Former GFW/TNA superstar Kenny King has spoken about a range of topics during a recent interview with ESPN. Below are some interview highlights:
Missing ROH shows to be on the reality show, The Bachelorette:
“I missed five or six shows. I missed one of the biggest events of our year, Supercard of Honor, our WrestleMania show. It wasn’t like I missed a bunch of house shows, I missed big draws. But they made it very easy. …I cannot be any more thankful and appreciative for how supportive Ring of Honor was, from top to bottom throughout this whole experience. From the first time I approached Joe Koff about the possibility of this happening, he lit up and was like, ‘Oh man absolutely. Whatever you need.'”
Working with NJPW and one of his lifelong goals:
“That’s been my goal since I returned to Ring of Honor [in 2015]. New Japan is one of my favorite promotions, and one of my lifelong goals in wrestling is to wrestle in Tokyo Dome. That’s one of the reasons I chose to go back to Ring of Honor because there is such a close relationship. And I feel like this upcoming match with Kushida is the perfect opportunity for me to show fans and New Japan management that I can hang with Kushida, who is not only one of the best cruiserweights in the world, but one of the best in New Japan. I have laser-like focus on that goal. I definitely plan on working for New Japan by 2018.”
Transition from a reality show back to pro wrestling:
“Early on it was interesting. It was difficult. I hadn’t been in a wrestling ring in seven weeks, and that’s the longest time I had taken off in probably four or five years. Getting back into life after an experience where you don’t have your phone or other distractions and you could go about your day and focus on one thing — that’s something I really tried to take with me. It has allowed me to focus more on wrestling. Being in the ring the first couple times after [returning] really gave me a new appreciation. I’m very lucky to have the job that I have and I’m dedicated to taking that to the next level.”