Plans For Samoa Joe vs Brock Lesnar & Keys To Building Joe For The Match

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons
Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

This first of three CSR videos this weekend is all about Samoa Joe vs Brock Lesnar. Here’s an excerpt:

Justin LaBar: I like how he attacked Paul Heyman because Heyman rarely gets physically involved in matches or build so it stands out when he does. The promo was well done. Joe needs to be super dominant. I know you need to fill TV time but the match on RAW with Rollins was too long.

Juice Springsteen: You wanted him to have a squash match Rollins?

Justin LaBar: No I didn’t even want a match. Joe was on the offense for the bulk of time but it still and a commercial and went over 10 minutes. Joe is playing the heel here so have Joe attack Rollins before the match even starts and a big brawl. He needs to be a vicious as possible. I don’t want to see competitive matches.

More debate on this match and how everyone will come out a winner after this match in the full video below: