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The Young Bucks On The Greatest Tag Team, Hot Topic Merch, Marty Scurll In The Bullet Club, Adam Cole Leaving Ring of Honor and More

Photo Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi
Photo Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

WZ’s own Nick Hausman conducted a backstage interview with the Young Bucks on the prelude to tonight’s Ring of Honor event, Windy City Excellence, in Chicago Ridge, IL.

Hausman dubbed the Bucks as “The Greatest Tag Team of Space and Time,” and controversy immediately followed due to that title being already seized by the Hardy Boyz. Here is what Nick and Matt had to say about their thoughts on the greatest tag team.

Matt: “I think the Hardys are the greatest tag team of all time, but current, active – as far as our work rate goes, and everything that we’re doing – I think we’re number one. But, all-time is Hardys.”

Nick: “One of our major goals in wrestling, and in life, is to go down as the best in-ring tag team of all time. I feel like we’re going to be there, but I don’t know if we could catch up to the success that the Hardys have.”

Matt: “We’ve got about eight more years. We always give ourselves, this frame, like, timeframe. I think I can do this eight more years. So, we’ll see in eight more years if we can top the Hardys.”

The Bucks then provided an update on when the public can find their merchandise at Hot Topic.

Matt: “I think it’s actually early July is when they’re gonna have stuff in the stores. I heard it’s shipping late June.”

They added that Young Bucks t-shirts will be available in some of the stores, but Bullet Club t-shirts will be available in all of the stores.

Hausman then asked them why Marty Scurll was chosen to be a member of the Bullet Club.

Matt: “He was over. We like over guys. Us over guys have to stick together, right?”

Nick: “We get along with him great, so we were introducing him into our webseries show, our Youtube series called ‘Being the Elite.’ And the fans loved him, they wanted more and more, and it worked out great. New Japan wanted him, because it wasn’t our original idea of him joining, it was a coincidence. But I think that they saw him on our show, which gave them the idea.”

Matt: “I think it was implanted in [the fans’] brains that, ‘Hey, maybe this should be a thing….’ It just worked out perfectly.”

Matt and Nick then shared the timeline of when they decided to kick Adam Cole out of the Bullet Club.

Matt: “We knew he was on his way out, so we kind of had an idea that it was going to be, we were working towards Kenny and Adam doing some sort of match or something. It didn’t go that way (Nick: “Visa issues.”). So, our backup plan was Marty joining, and it all came to fruition.”

Nick: “We started planning this right after Okada at the [Tokyo] Dome. Literally that night, we thought of, ‘Ok. We have to do a singles match with these two, and, yeah, that’s why we filmed that.”

Other topics discussed were Hangman Page stepping up, nWo comparison, Randy Orton tweet, and more.

You can view the full interview below.