My latest column for upgruv.com is about why it’s good for AJ Styles to have a WrestleMania match against Shane McMahon. Here’s an excerpt:
It’s presumed that AJ Styles will take on Shane McMahon at WrestleMania.
If the presumption proves the reality, consider the match a phenomenal opportunity for the wrestler who’s conquered every other promotion while becoming “best in the world.”
Isn’t that how we’ve come to consider Styles?
He’s won a major championship in all the identifiable places for professional wrestlers. He’s become “the man” in TNA, Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, New Japan Pro Wrestling and, mostly recently, WWE. Along the way, he has worked with opponents of all sizes and styles — an incredibly difficult challenge he has made look routine.
Styles is a purists’ darling. Always has been.
What he’s also become is an elite sports entertainer. And it’s his mastery of the entertainment aspect of this business that has become the cherry atop the sundae that is Styles’ career.
I appreciate the intensity he brings to the ring, the seriousness with which he practices his craft. But I also realize that intensity and seriousness has been elevated by the smaller things (including Styles’ comedic timing) that has elevated him from an always-good performer to a consistently great one.
The video below offers just one outstanding example of that dynamic.
Wrestlers are professional athletes that also act. The most memorable professional wrestlers never appear to be acting. Rather, their characters come off as extensions of themselves.
Fans can watch the most soundly skilled in-ring performer, but they probably won’t if that performer lacks flare of the basic understanding of how to entertain an audience.
Think back upon any of the all-time greats. What do you remember?
The matches, sure. But also: the promos, costumes and entrances. The greats — Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, Macho Man— brought it everywhere else before reversing a move into a super kick.
Styles is no exception in that regard.
And the prodigal son of his industry’s most influential promoter is no mere opponent for Styles. So, please, spare me the chatter about WWE wasting Styles’ talent by doing a match with him and Shane McMahon at WrestleMania.
CLICK HERE to read the rest with what Shane McMahon will bring to this match for AJ and the build.