Vince Russo’s THE BRAND which could be both SEEN and HEARD daily on the RELMNetwork.com and PodcastOne.com, was highlighted this week by part two of Russo’s interview with WCW Legend and Mastermind, the Task Master, Kevin Sullivan. The behind the scenes history of Russo/Sullivan at WCW has been well documented–especially by Russo–over the years, and now, some 17 years later, the two sit down to talk about the “good old days”. Also, discussion on this week’s FIRST TV TAPINGS for the new promotion Rocky Mountain Pro, which will be debuting on the Hunt Channel on Dish TV (Ch. 266) October 9.
Topics Covered in Sullivan Interview:
- Who’s idea was Pillman’s “BookerMan” angle?
- Putting the WCW Title on Chris Benoit and then having him walk out on company
- Thoughts on Nancy Sullivan/Benoit angle
- Making a mistake with Goldberg
- Who was the one “Can’t Miss” Guy?
- Thoughts on current product
- Why wrestling fans left for UFC
- Thoughts on WWE Wellness Policy
- First thing he’d do if he took over WWE
In this excerpt, Kevin discusses how he tapped into Brian Pillman, helping transform him from “good worker” to unforgettable MEGA Personality based on a unique idea that Pillman was pondering:
“Before he gave up alcohol, I saw Brian at the bar a few times and there was that snap side, that loose cannon side. He was very witty, not only at bars, but even at 7-11 he’d come across with that big, witty remark, but, I didn’t see it that BIG. The thing is Vince, he came to me one time and when he said this it blew me over because I knew he was right. Remember when Cincinnati went to the Super Bowl? He came to me and said, ‘I’m going to do something that’s gonna shock the wrestling match. During the game, when the ball’s on the other end I’m gonna run out on the field, with a chain, strip naked and lock myself to the goalpost with six chains. Even if they stayed away from it, you knew it was going to make the front page. They would have put him away for observation for 90 days, but, HE WAS WILLING TO DO IT! That’s how far out his thinking was.”
Be sure to also check out the latest episode of Vince Russo’s new promotion Rocky Mountain Pro, which is scheduled to make its debut on National TV on the Hunt Channel on Dish Network (Ch. 266) October 9th. This is FREE on his YouTube Channel and you can watch it below.
You can listen to Vince Russo’s THE BRAND on Podcast One every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network a day earlier. All the information is at RussosBrand.com.