Vince Russo’s THE BRAND which could be both SEEN and HEARD daily on the RELMNetwork.com and PodcastOne.com, was highlighted this week by Russo defending the women who were booked in Bra & Panty matches over the years and the concept itself, a drive-by with indy sensation Amanda Rodriguez, who discusses her car drowning on a Florida highway and an in-depth, exclusive interview with one of TNA’s hottest stars, Drew Galloway. Russo also discussed the upcoming debut of his new promotion Rocky Mountain Pro, which will be debuting on the Hunt Channel on Dish TV (Ch. 266) October 9.
On this week’s episode of RAW: NOW AND THEN, Vince was joined by the stunning and talented Amanda Rodriguez, who discussed losing her car to a recent flooding in Florida.
Here’s an excerpt from that conversation:
“While driving, I drove right into . . . basically a swimming pool in the middle of a highway. The other cars made it through, but mine didn’t. My car shut off right then and there. There was another guy maybe ten yards from me who fell off into a ditch and his whole car was submerged in water. When I opened up the car door the water came pouring in and I said, ‘I’m about to swim out of my car’.”
To find out what happened to Amanda, and how you can help her replace her late vehicle, make sure to tune into this past Wednesday’s show on PodcastOne.com.
Later in the week, TNA Sensation Drew Galloway dropped by The Swerve to discuss his current rise to the top of the wrestling industry.
In this excerpt, Drew discusses redebuting in the WWE as Vince McMahon’s “Chosen One”, and not knowing about it ahead of time:
“The gimmick was Vince McMahon’s “Chosen One”. It was something I did not know was going to happen. I was just at the gorilla doing my thing getting ready to do a promo and one of the writers said, ‘Hold on a minute . . . Vince is going to talk first’. I said, ‘All right, cool, he’s the boss he can do whatever he wants’. Then he went on TV and endorsed me. He put me over as a “bad ass”. As a 23, 24 year-old kid standing there in gorilla I’m laughing, saying–‘What the hell is going on here. Is this a joke?'”
Be sure to also check out the latest episode of Vince Russo’s new promotion Rocky Mountain Pro, which is scheduled to make its debut on National TV on the Hunt Channel on Dish Network (Ch. 266) October 9th. This is FREE on his YouTube Channel.
You can listen to Vince Russo’s THE BRAND on Podcast One every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network a day earlier. All the information is at RussosBrand.com.