Vince Russo’s THE BRAND which could be both SEEN and HEARD daily on the RELMNetwork.com and PodcastOne.com, was highlighted this week by an interview with new President of TNA Wrestling, Billy Corgan, and the owner of only the SIXTH wrestling promotion to currently get a TV deal in the United States, Matt Yaden of Rocky Mountain Pro.
On this week’s bonus episode of THE SWERVE, Vince is joined by Matt Yaden, owner of Rocky Mountain Pro, who discusses how his national TV deal with The Hunt Channel on the Dish Network came about and exactly what Vince Russo’s role will be in the company.
Here’s an excerpt of Matt discussing what the new national television deal means for the landscape of professional wrestling:
“The game changes when you’re doing something like this. It’s a new venture for most of us and it’s exciting because it’s familiar territory for Vince. This gives us the opportunity to learn the real side of television when now you’re going to be writing a true television show. I told Vince last night that I was looking at one of our ads that said–live ITV taping–and now we’re going to be dropping the I out of the TV and it’s actually going to be TV.”
Later in the week, rock ICON Billy Corgan, stopped by for his first interview following the radical changes in TNA Wrestling management.
In this excerpt, Billy discusses his strategy to bring the fans back to TNA:
“I have ideas to quicken the process (to bring the fans back to TNA) the question is can I execute it and navigate the politics that are involved with any professional wrestling company. Not everyone is going to agree with my vision. It’s been my experience in professional wrestling that many people inside the business don’t agree with my vision, but I know that from your experience and other people’s experience that that’s what happens when you bring ideas to the table that are foreign to the way the business is usually done.”
Be sure to also check out the latest episode of Vince Russo’s new reality TV series, The Business of the Business-Episode #5, where he brings the cameras BEHIND THE SCENES of the wrestling promotion where he is currently working, Rocky Mountain Pro. This is FREE on his YouTube Channel and you can watch it below.
You can listen to Vince Russo’s THE BRAND on Podcast One every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network a day earlier. All the information is at RussoBrand.com.