Vince Russo’s THE BRAND which could be both SEEN and HEARD daily on the RELMNetwork.com and PodcastOne.com, was highlighted this week by an interview with Current TNA Knockout and original member of the Doll House, Marti Belle and the ORIGINAL wrestling journalist, the ONE and ONLY Mr. Bill Apter.
On this week’s episode of Vixens Who Rule, Vince is joined by the beautiful, talented and VERY EXOTIC Marti Belle for the second part of her exclusive interview. In this portion, Marti talks everything TNA from her getting her first big break, to the formation of the Doll House, to the current backstage environment of the TNA locker room.
Here’s an excerpt of Marti discussing the necessity to block out gossip and rumors for the Internet Wrestling Community:
“The most important thing is I try not to read everything. I’ve literally had people come up to me and say, ‘I’ve heard this’, and I’ve said, ‘OK, I have no idea what you’re talking about.’ I try to stay away from it because I’ve had such a positive, positive experience with TNA that I don’t want–like you said before, when you don’t know someone and you hear all this stuff and you come up with this idea in your head–I don’t want anything I read, or anything I hear, to cloud my thoughts on TNA.”
In the second part of his extremely honest and candid interview with legendary wrestling journalist, Bill Apter, Bill reveals why the Macho Man and the Heartbreak Kid never hooked it up in the ring, his heat with BOTH McMahon’s-Jr. and Sr., the greatest of all-time per generation, the most underrated of all-time, interviewing Liberace and Bill Cosby, breaking bread with Liza Minnelli and Robert DeNiro and meeting Vince’s true inspiration —Tiny Tim.
In this excerpt, Bill discusses his heat at times with Vince McMahon Sr.:
“I had heat with both of them. Vince Sr. looked at all the magazines and there were instances in the magazines where I would get a call from him–‘Who the hell wrote this story, why did you do this, why did you do that?’ So that nice Grandpa Vince that you’re talking about–I did see that at times, but that relationship with him was also a professional relationship where he had to be careful about what we did.”
Last, but not least, be sure to check out the latest episode of Vince Russo’s new reality TV series, The Business of the Business, where he brings the cameras BEHIND THE SCENES of the wrestling promotion where he is currently working, The Rocky Mountain Pro. This is FREE on his YouTube Channel which you can check out at this link.
You can listen to Vince Russo’s THE BRAND on Podcast One every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network a day earlier. All the information is at RussosBrand.com.