My Friday column for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is all about Enzo & Big Cass. Here’s an excerpt:
Enzo Amore and Big Cass are the best thing going on WWE television.
I was contemplating what topic to discuss. Thought maybe I could talk about Dean Ambrose’s odd but honest interview with Steve Austin. Well, we didn’t need an interview to know he was odd. I experienced the same uniqueness myself when interviewing Ambrose.
What about how much I love Eva Marie’s booking? I really do and it’s only going to get better as time goes on, so let’s revisit that later.
Analysis on Cesaro being an athletic freak? I don’t have the words to do that justice. Seeing is believing.
Nope, no matter what other topics came into my head, as soon as they were dismissed I would go back to exploring all that is right with Enzo and Big Cass. After every segment they have, short or long, the conclusion is the same — I feel bad for who is up next and has to try to follow that.
The energy that can be felt at home or in person when the music hits and the crowd goes from 0 to 60. The magic of 15,000 people hanging on every word and repeating every phrase they know is coming.
The dynamic of the duo is a beautiful one. A legit 7-foot tall guy with a sense of humor and appeal who is flanked by the smaller dog with the biggest bark.
Enzo Amore has so much energy that it looks like he’s going to fly right out of your flat screen television. He’s got a gift of gab that truly can’t be taught. Ironically, the man who can speak on the mic about anything has that factor that can’t be described. The proverbial “it” factor. Enzo is “it.” If you see him walking in an airport, you know he’s somebody important. He would have to be for his employer to let him sport that hairdo.
CLICK HERE for the uniqueness of Big Cass, what happens when they break up and where they rank in entertainment from WWE.