Vince Russo’s THE BRAND which could be both SEEN and HEARD daily on the RELMNetwork.com and PodcastOne.com, was highlighted this week by my interview with RYAN SATIN, Former TMZ Senior Producer and Current Founder of ProWrestlingSheet.com, and the finale of my discussion with Ray Leppan, formerly known as WWE Superstar Adam Rose.
Read Also: Adam Rose’s New Mugshot T-Shirt Removed From Online Store Following Internet Backlash
In Part II of my SWERVE interview with Ray Leppan, aka former WWE Superstar Adam Rose, I get down to the nitty-gritty asking Ray the hard questions surrounding his departure from WWE including his failing the wellness policy drug test and going public with his doctor’s note that he was indeed prescribed medication to treat his ADHD—-and the WWE was fully aware of it. He then goes on to talk about asking for his WWE release, and the domestic violence charges that followed—but, were later dropped. Ray hides nothing in this interview—he answers all questions with the utmost integrity.
Ray on the Inability to Create in the WWE:
“We’re artistic. You’re not going to be happy when your artistic expression has been squashed and destroyed. That artistic side of you is dying and that’s what gets to you emotionally and that’s what makes people eventually sad. Some people can deal with it, some people can get a paycheck and deal with it and be happy about it and other people unfortunately can’t like it that well.”
You can listen to Vince Russo’s THE BRAND on PodcastOne every day FREE Monday through Friday, while having the option of enjoying the videos on The RELM Network a day earlier. All the information is at RussosBrand.com.