EXCLUSIVE: Chicago Pro Wrestler “The Crescent City Saint” Mike Bradley Comments On Being Featured In Brooke Hogan’s Collage Tribute To Her Father

WZD-three-colorThe following are excerpts from the 7/28/15 edition of WrestleZone Daily featuring Chicago area pro wrestler “The Crescent City Saint” Mike Bradley chatting with WZ Daily host Nick Hausman

Mike was recently featured in Brooke Hogan’s photo collage tribute to her father. The following excerpts are a few of his thoughts on being used in the collage and the Hulk Hogan situation in general.


Mike & Hulk

NH: Mike, you’re in this collage shaking hands with Hulk Hogan. How do you feel about being involved in this story? Do you have Hulk Hogan’s back here? Or, are you a little upset to be put in to a situation where you are now being used as a shield in his defense?

MB: I’m not upset, necessarily. In fact, I’m like, “Hey, out of all the pictures in the world that Brooke could have chosen, she chose mine.” And you know, I was happy to be a part of history even though it’s controversial. I saw the transcript of what was said. I’m not mad at Hogan. It’s like this, I’m not mad at him, I don’t have heat with him but I don’t give him a pass on what he said. I understand what he was going through at the time and that’s as much as I can say about that. So, you know, Hogan’s cool with me.

NH: That’s what it seems a lot of African Americans are saying, Mike. He doesn’t seem to be getting the vitriolic blow back that people like Dog “The Bounty Hunter” got. When it got out that Dog had been caught on camera dropping the “N Bomb” he was off TV for a while. I think he’s back on TV now but he was gone for awhile. People really hated this guy, people don’t seem to want to hate Hulk Hogan. Why do you think it is that we’re not hearing more outrage from the African American community about what Hulk Hogan said?

MB: I can only speak for myself. Personally, as a black man, as an African American, we’re worried about other things. Our mentality is somewhere else. We’re trying to do better for ourselves and then we look on the news, we look on the Internet, and we’re seeing other African Americans getting killed by the police. There’s all kinds of injustices going on. So when a national hero, an American Hero, like Hulk Hogan is pictured as a racist I say, “come on now.” I don’t see him walking around with a confederate flag and a Klan mask on and things like that. I know he dropped the “N Bomb” many, many times but as a black man I’ve used the word before. I’m not giving him a pass on it but I really don’t care about it.

In the full interview Mike chats candidly more about the Hulk Hogan story, whether or not Brooke Hogan asked his permission to be used in the collage, the WWE never having a black champion and more…

The full interview can be found by clicking HERE or by listening to the show in the embedded player below.

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