11/6 WWE NXT Results: Finn Balor Makes Highly Anticipated Debut, Sami Zayn vs. Tyler Breeze, NXT Championship Match Announced & More

wwe nxtWWE NXT Results

October 6, 2014

-The show kicks off with a Sami Zayn focused video package, highlighting his journey to the NXT title, and upcoming match with Tyler Breeze. 


Sami is fired up and goes fright after his opponent, throwing him into corners and kicking the crap out of him. Tyler hangs him up in the ropes and comes back with half a dozen kicks in the corner until the ref breaks it up. He slows it down with a side headlock for a couple of minutes, until Zayn breaks free and kicks him in the face. Sami gets caught with a bulldog into the top turnbuckle as we cut to break. 

Another headlock as we come back. Again he breaks it up and they trade right hands, which sends Breeze reeling. Tyler comes back with a back elbow and continues his assault with yet another headlock. Finally, Sami Zayn builds up some momentum and powers out of the hold with a Blue Thunder Bomb. He goes to the top rope but is caught with a right hook. They trade blows on the top turnbuckle, and it ends with Zayn getting caught out of the air with a dropkick. Tyler tries for a superkick but it’s blocked; the reversals go on for a while until Zayn runs into a superkick out of nowhere for a very close nearfall. Breeze loses it and ends up getting caught with an exploder suplex into the turnbuckles. Zayn hits the Helluva Kick for the win.