jeff jarrett talks wwe

Exclusive: Source Claims Jeff Jarrett-Ian Rotten Incident Was a “Complete Fabrication”

An anonymous source close to the situation has informed Wrestlezone that while there was a dispute over payment, Jarrett was neither intoxicated at the event, or “assaulted” John Calvin in any way. Allegedly, Rotten failed to pay Jarrett even half of what was promised him, and Jeff did curse him out twice over the issue, but all the extraneous details were “a complete fabrication”. Furthermore, the state of Indiana, where the show took place, prohibits the sale of alcohol on Sundays, and no bar was available at the event. 

Several well-known veterans within the industry have reached out to us since the story first broke, backing up Jeff Jarrett’s professionalism within companies like WCW, WWE and TNA. “Double J” was attending the IWA Mid-South event this past weekend, along with his wife Karen, scouting talent for their upcoming Global Force Wrestling promotion