Did Taking a Week Off Hurt the Total Divas Viewership?, Photo of Adam Rose’s “Exotic Express”, MLB Team Does Yes Chant (Video)

Did Taking a Week Off Hurt Total Divas?

According to Zap2It.com, this week's edition of Total Divas took in 1.164 viewers, which is down significantly from the 1.546 viewers the March 30th episode drew.

Total Divas took a week off and did not air during WrestleMania 30.

Photo of Adam Rose's "Exotic Express"

WWE has an actual tour bus featuring Adam Rose's Exotic Express logo on it, and a photo of the bus parked at the BJCC for Raw last night has surfaced online. You can check it out at this link.

MLB Team Does Yes Chant Last Night

Following back to back home runs in last night's game against the Reds, The Pittsburgh Pirates dugout celebrated with a Yes Chant: