WWE Live Event Results (2/23) – Undertaker Returns In Waco, Texas

UndertakerThanks to David Webb (dwebbster) for the following results:  

Match 1: Kaitlyn and Layla defeated Tamina and Aksana after Kaitlyn spear on Aksana

Match 2: Jack Swagger defeated Sin Cara with Patriot Lock

Miz comes out for a short segment with the crowd.

Match 3: Fandango defeated Ted Dibiase (Fandango used a move that is similar to Cross Rhodes, but he took Dibiase's hand, kind of dipped him like a dance move, then hit the finsher.)

Match 4: Randy Orton defeated Cody Rhodes after reversing a Disaster Kick into a RKO

Match 5: The Great Khali and Brodus Clay defeated Primo and Epico in a basic comedy match

Match 6: Sheamus & The Undertaker defeated Wade Barrett and Damien Sandow

(It was announced as a handicap match featuring Wade Barrett and Damien Sandow versus Sheamus. Sheamus got on the mic and said he had a surprise for the fans. Then the lights went out, and a few seconds later Undertaker's theme hit. The place absolutely erupted. Undertaker came down in just his wrestling gear with no coat or hat or anything; he got to the ring and did his usual raise the lights thing. Sheamus worked about 90% of the match, but Undertaker did hit most of his usual moves (Old School, Snake Eyes, big boot.) He finished the match with a Choke Slam and Tombstone to Sandow. He looked okay, but clearly out of shape. And I don't remember him really taking any real bumps either. Plus he did seem to be favoring his knees just a bit on the apron before the match.

Main Event: Alberto Del Rio defeated Big Show in No Disqualification match to retain the World Heavyweight Championship. (Big spots were Big Show crashing through a table stood up in the corner when ADR moved out of the way, and ADR hitting Show with a facebuster through another table while standing on the ropes. ADR wins with Cross Armbreaker.)