Former WWE star Shane Helms did a shoot interview with where he talked about his frustrations with WWE. The following are some highlights of the interview:
"That whole time, the last couple of years, they were trying to play some realism. I can't even tell you how many times I heard, 'We want that more realistic approach.' And I'm standing there in a superhero outfit. I'm like, 'Really? You're telling me that? Do you want me to take this outfit off?" That's what kind of lead to me taking time off from Hurricane when I did that whole heel run. It had been getting more reality based. How am I gonna be more reality-based if I'm dressed like a superhero? But they loved the merchandise and put me out there. At one time, only Austin and Rock were selling more merchandise than I was."
"My last point when I was on that ECW Show – which I wasn't a fan of – was hard for me because I've always been a Varsity guy. I don't like being on J.V. That's just me personally. That's not saying it was an awful show. It was just that I wasn't a fan of it and it was hard to be on it and motivate yourself when you know you're a part of something that isn't that good. I felt like I was doing my part to make it better but there're only so many things I could do and so many situations I was put in. That was just different, that ECW show on SyFy. That was holding on to something that should have been let go a long time before."
For the complete interview, click here.