WWE Superstar Zack Ryder recently spoke with Carrol County Times. Here are some highlights of the interview.
Changing his own position in WWE:
"Earlier this year, probably January or so, I looked myself in the mirror and said this career is not where I want it to be. I had nothing to lose; I was on a path to get released. What were they going to do? Fire me? Not put me on TV? I wasn’t on TV anyway. My life was going to change one way or the other. I knew I was either going to get fired or get noticed. I got noticed."
Facing Dolph Ziggler at TLC:
"If I won the United States Championship Sunday, it would be a perfect end to a storybook, roller coaster year. Starting from nothing and working my way up to being United States Champion, I don’t think it gets better than that."
His Broski character:
"Ninety-nine percent of that character is me. It is me — I’m a big kid living the dream, listening to boy band music, fist pumpin’ in the club, spiking my hair."
To read the full interview, click here.