The following is an excerpt of an interview with CM Punk on the Mickey, Amelia & Spiegel show, where, amongst other things, Punk talks about John Cena, fixing things in WWE and more:
Punk on changes in WWE: "I recognize I still have a lot of stuff left to do. People need to get comfortable at the idea that stuff doesn't happen overnight. I'm in this for the long haul, and I'm such a student of the game. I actually care so much, I'm not looking at tomorrow for everything to be different and better, I'm looking 10 years from now."
Punk on the Rock: "I don't know Dwayne personally. I'm glad he's back. He came back for Survivor Series, some more people watched the show, and they watched me become the man and watched me steal the show. So, it's a business thing, but whatever industry you're in, if that happens…I'm pissed off that I'm on the only one pissed off. It's like, 'Come on guys, don't you have any pride in what you do? You're just gonna let this guy come in [and steal the show]?"
Punk defending John Cena: "No, here's the thing. I think John Cena is tremendous. I think Cena doesn't gets the credit for how hard he works. I said it in the promo I cut in Vegas, 'I don't dislike you, John, I dislike this idea that you're the best and you're afforded all of these opportunities.'…I don't hate John at all. He's actually one of my favorites guys to get in the ring with." You can check out more at