*Spoilers* Complete TNA Impact Results For This Week

Source: PWInsider.com

TNA Impact spoilers taped on 9/21/09

Xplosion Match

Kiyoshi vs. Amazing Red

Red wins after a running shooting star press when Kiyoshi misses a top rope moonsault.


Show of course opens with the M.E.M. Already in the ring. Kurt says most of the Mafia retained their dominance, but claims he didn’t lose the title to AJ, he was screwed by Matt Morgan who “turned on him” during the match. Kurt announces himself vs. Morgan at BFG. Out comes World Elite arguing that THEY are the most dominant force noting that Eric saved Kurt from Hernandez and tonight Kurt will return the favor and help EY take Hernandez out. Booker takes the mic tearing down W.E., Angle stops Booker and says he is a man of Integrity and will team with Eric Young tonight.

Suicide vs. Pope (Street Fight)

Pope attacks Suicide during his entrance. Few funny spots with of all things, a tambourine. Crown was totally into this one chanting out weapons for both men to use.

Suicide wins after a DOA on a trash can.

(Just a side note, Pope is WAY over in the Impact Zone)

Rhino vs. Brother Devon

Devon attacks Rhino during his entrance. Match ends in a no contest. They both are busted open and brawl til security comes out and tries to separate the 2. Brother Ray comes in and orders to security to leave the ring. Ray screams at the two saying they should be fighting together. They stand in the middle of the ring and Ray raises both their hands and while Devon isn’t looking Rhino gores Brother Ray.