Another match has been finalized for the “ROH on HDNet” TV tapings taking place in Louisville, KY on both Thursday night December 9th & Friday night December 10th at The Davis Arena, and this one is going to be the biggest challenge of two men’s careers.
The All Night Express, fresh off earning a future shot at the ROH World Tag Titles in Mississauga, will step into the ring with Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin on Friday night for the 2nd set of “ROH on HDNet” tapings. This will undoubtedly be the biggest challenge of their tag team career but, not surprisingly, the ANX were extremely confident.
“Damn right this is a big test for the ANX,” said Kenny King, “but that whole rising to the occasion thing, that’s exactly what Rhett Titus and myself do. Ask the ladies we roll with, ask Colt and Generico, hell go ask Delirious and Jerry Lynn what we’re about. As a matter of fact, I’ll tell you what we’re about…the L.o.L. That’s laying…out…legends. Charlie, Shelton, some people might consider you legends in tag team wrestling, so…consider this your warning. And after we roll over you, it’s on to the tag titles and the KoW. Keep your eyes on this one boys.”
Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin vs. The All Night Express! Friday night December 10th at The Davis Arena in Louisville, KY. Get your tickets here for Friday night: