lacey evans
Photo Credit: WWE

Lacey Evans Says WWE Denied Request For A Release, Had To Wait For Contract To Expire

Lacey Evans was recently interviewed by Carlo Perruzza. During the interview, Lacey Evans reflected on her WWE career and what the future looks like.

Evans (Macey Estrella) mentioned that she loved everything about her time in WWE, but at the same time, she always wanted to have a big family. She also mentioned that when she requested her release, WWE denied it and she had to wait for her contract to expire in August 2023.

“I mean, it was incredible. I love the WWE. It was awesome. I invested so much money in properties and I’m doing great. I appreciate everything that I have gotten, knowledge-wise, relationship-wise. But, from the beginning of my career, I’ve always wanted a family. I’ve always wanted a big family. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, I’ve always wanted to be a wife. And there was nothing that would ever come between that. Seven years, I was with the WWE and not… And it was coming… It was… I’m 30… I was 33 when I finally got to get out of my… I didn’t get out… They wouldn’t even let me out of my contract, which was fine. You sign a contract, you say… You give ‘em your word.

“But… So, I had to wait till it ran out. And it ran out in August. But from the jump, when they hired me, not many people know this. They ask you, ‘If you didn’t work for WWE, where do you think?…’ They do this coming-on interview. That they keep, I guess. I don’t know where the hell they keep it, but… And they asked me and everyone else, one by one, ‘Where would you be if you weren’t in WWE? ‘ And I said, ‘I would be barefoot, pregnant, and have ten babies,’ and I meant every word,” Lacey Evans said.

Lacey Evans’ tenure with WWE officially came to an end in August 2023.

Read More: Lacey Evans Names Her Proudest Moment In WWE

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