eddie kingston mark briscoe roh supercard of honor

ROH Supercard Of Honor Results (4/5/24): Eddie Kingston vs. Mark Briscoe, More

Ring of Honor delivered an action-packed show with ROH Supercard of Honor on April 5.

Among other matches, Eddie Kingston defended the ROH World Championship against Mark Briscoe, and Athena put the ROH Women’s World Championship on the line against Hikaru Shida.

The results are as follows:

Zero Hour

Josh Woods, Tony Nese & Ari Daivari (with Mark Sterling) def. Rhett Titus, Tony Deppen & Adam Priest

A video package highlights the feud between Dalton Castle and Johnny TV.

The ROH Women’s World Television Championship match between Billie Starkz and Queen Aminata is highlighted in a video package.

The Beast Mortos def. Blake Christian

Komander and Alex Abrahantes come to the stage and applaud The Beast Mortos.

Video packages continue to highlight the card.

ROH World Television Champion Kyle Fletcher is interviewed by Caprice Coleman ahead of his match with Lee Johnson.

Griff Garrison & Cole Karter (with Maria Kanellis) def. Angelico & Serpentico

A video package highlights the six-women STARDOM showcase match, and other features the title match between Athena and Hikaru Shida.

Mariah May def. Momo Kohgo

A video package highlights the title match between Mark Briscoe and Eddie Kingston.

ROH Supercard Of Honor Main Show

Nigel McGuinness joins the commentary team for the main card.

ROH World Television Championship: Kyle Fletcher (c) vs. Lee Johnson

Fletcher and Johnson feel each other out, and they’re evenly matched early on. Johnson gains the upper hand. Fletcher slams Johnson to the mat. Johnson tries to rally and gets a two-count with a roll-up. He gains momentum with a flurry of offense. He dumps Fletcher to the outside. Fletcher suplexes Johnson over the barricade and onto the floor.

Back in the ring, Fletcher continues to control the action and gets a two-count with a modified back suplex. Johnson fires up with some chops and a neckbreaker. Fletcher gains the upper hand again with a suplex. Johnson gets a two-count with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Fletcher hits an avalanche Falcon Arrow for a two-count. Fletcher drills Johnson with a kick and slams him for a two-count. He powerbombs him, but Johnson kicks out at two again. The champion grounds Johnson. Johnson perseveres and drops Fletcher with an inverted DDT on the apron. They narrowly avoid getting counted out.

They trade blows. Johnson hits a Poisonrana but eats a stiff kick. Fletcher spikes Johnson with a piledriver for a two-count. Johnson hits a destroyer and a frog splash. He keeps rolling as he hits a second frog splash for a two-count. Fletcher throws Johnson face-first into a turnbuckle and blasts him with a kick. He plants Johnson with a brainbuster for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Television Champion: Kyle Fletcher

Kyle Fletcher shakes hands with Johnson after the bell.

Mei Seira & Empress Nexus Venus (Mina Shirakawa & Maika) vs. Tam Nakano & Queen’s Quest (Saya Kamitani & AZM)

AZM gains momentum early on. Nakano and Queen’s Quest gain the upper hand. Nakano isolates Mei, who rallies. They trade blows, and Nakano drops Mei with a stiff shot. Seira blasts her with a kick and huts a neckbreaker. Maika tags in and clears house with a flurry of offense. The match breaks down in chaos, and Maika gets a two-count. AZM blasts Maika with a kick. Kamitani rallies. Shirakawa fires up and gets a two-count.

The teams keep battling. Kamitani hits a crossbody. She gets a two-count with a bridging back suplex. Maika rallies. Shirakawa scores the win by slamming Kamitani.

Winners: Mei Seira & Empress Nexus Venus (Mina Shirakawa and Maika)

Mariah May comes out after the match and confronts Shirakawa before she hugs her. May brings out some champagne and celebrates with the trio.

Champions Defend The Gold At ROH Supercard Of Honor

ROH World Tag Team Championship: The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) (c) vs. The Infantry (Carlie Bravo and Capt. Shawn Dean) (with Trish Adora)

Taven and Bennett attack The Infantry right away and take control. Dean and Bennett trade chops. The Infantry rallies. Taven dives onto everyone at ringside. Taven and Bennett drop Dean with a piledriver on the ramp. Back in the ring, Taven and Bennett continue to control the action. Bravo rallies. Dean takes the fight to Taven and Bennett. They double-team Bennett. Bennett gets a two-count after Taven drills Dean with a knee to the face.

The two teams go back and forth. They trade blows. Bravo drops Taven with a neckbreaker. Taven hits Dean with the Climax on the ramp. Bravo sends Taven through a table with a frog splash. Dean hits a frog splash, but the referee is checking on Bravo and Taven. Wardlow runs in and attacks Bravo. Bennett covers him for the win.

Winner and still ROH World Tag Team Champions: The Undisputed Kingdom (Matt Taven and Mike Bennett)

Undisputed Kingdom celebrates after the bout.

Inaugural Champion Crowned

Tournament Final For ROH Women’s World Television Championship: Billie Starkz vs. Queen Aminata

Starkz and Aminata feel each other out, and the match is a stalemate in the opening minutes. Aminata dumps Starkz with a suplex and nails her with a kick. The match heads to the outside, and they trade blows. Back in the ring, Aminata grounds Starkz. Starkz rallies and slams Aminata for a two-count. They trade pin attempts. Both women are down after a kick and a clothesline.

Starkz dodges a kick and dives onto Aminata at ringside. Aminata evades a senton, forcing Starkz to land hard on the apron. Aminata rocks her with a kick and drops her with a German suplex on the floor. She gets a two-count with a dive off the top. Aminata blasts her with a hip attack and a boot to the face. Starkz lands hard, and the match abruptly stops as she is seemingly hurt. Doctors check on her and put a brace on her neck. Officials are helping her out of the ring, but she blindsides Aminata and makes her pass out. The referee calls for the bell as Starkz is declared the winner.

Winner and new ROH Women’s World Television Champion: Billie Starkz

Starkz celebrates her win.

Backstage, Top Flight, alongside Action Andretti, are interviewed as they preview their match with FTR on AEW Collision.

Bullet Club Gold (Jay White & The Gunns) Open Challenge

Jay White cuts a promo and issues an open challenge for the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship. Lance Archer and Alex Zayne answer. Archer reveals Minoru Suzuki as their partner.

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship: Bullet Club Gold (Jay White & The Gunns) (c) vs. Lance Archer, Alex Zayne & Minoru Suzuki

White talks some trash to Suzuki. Suzuki wrenches his fingers. The veteran takes a chop from White and laughs. He goes for a sleeper, but the Gunns pull White out of the ring. Austin Gunn tags in and squares off with Suzuki. Suzuki drills Gunn with a stiff shot. Archer and Colten Gunn tag in. Archer dumps Colten with a throw. He overpowers Colten and suplexes him. Zayne and Archer double-team Colten. Bullet Club Gold gains the upper hand and isolates Zayne. Suzuki rallies and takes control. In the end, Bullet Club Gold takes control again, and White pins Zayne for the win.

Winners and still ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions: Bullet Club Gold

Jay White cuts a promo after the match. The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn attack Bullet Club Gold, but Bowens gets dropped with a Bladerunner before Bullet Club Gold escapes.

Fight Without Honor

Fight Without Honor: Dalton Castle vs. Johnny TV (with Taya Valkyrie)

Castele takes the fight to Johnny TV. Johnny TV talks some trash and baits Castle in as he slams him on the ramp. They brawl at ringside. Taya Valkyrie distracts Castle, and TV briefly takes control before Dalton hits a hurrianrana on the floor. Johnny drills Castle with a knee to the face. Johnny drops Castle with a neckbreaker. Castle tries to rally, but Johnny dodges a kick, sending Castle crashing to the floor.

Johnny TV continues to control the action. They battle over a chair, and Johnny TV hits Castle with a kendo stick. He continues to punish Castle with a kendo stick. Castle rallies with a suplex and dumps Johnny with another suplex. Castle hits Johnny with a kendo stick severak times. Taya throws power in Castle’s face and blows a leafblower at him. Johnny slams Castle through a table and hits Starship Pain. Castle rallies and slams Johnny. Castle throws some of The Boys onto Johnny TV. One of the Boys is identified as Paul Walter Hauser.

Johnny dives onto the Boys at ringside. Hauser slams Johnny TV. The Boys carry Taya Valkyrie to the back. Hauser unmasks to officially reveal himself.

Hauser and Castle dump some tacks onto the mat. Castle hits a Bang-a-rang onto some tacks for the win.

Winner: Dalton Castle

Castle celebrates with Paul Walter Hauser.

ROH Women’s World Championship: Athena (c) vs. Hikaru Shida

Athena and Shida feel each other out. They battle for positioning. Shida hits some clotheslines and drops Athena with a back-breaker. Shida gains more momentum with a flurry of offense. Athena turns the tables on Shida and targets her knee. Athena controls the action and drops Shida with an Alabama Slam. Both women are down after Shida nails Athena with a knee strike, sending her into the broadcatst table. Back in the ring, they trade blows.

Athena dumps Shida with a suplex. Shida blocks the O-Face. Athena counters the Katana and taps Shida in an ankle lock. Shida reaches the ropes. Shida drills Athena with a knee and slams her onto the ramp. She hits a Meteora for a two-count. Athena drops Shida with double knees to the face. They keep going back and forth. Athena dumps Shida with a powerbomb on the floor.

She hits the O-Face for a two-count. Shida slams Athena onto the tuenbuckle and hits the Katana for a near fall. Athena rocks Shida with a kick and hits the O-Face for the win.

Winner and still ROH Women’s World Champion: Athena

The broadcast team runs through the cards for the upcoming shows.

Eddie Kingston Defends The Gold

ROH World Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Mark Briscoe

Kingston and Briscoe battle for positioning early on. Kingston dumps Briscoe with a backdrop driver. Briscoe fires up with some “Redneck Kung Fu.” He dives onto Kingston with a cannonball at ringside. Kingston slams Briscoe onto a chair. Kingston maintains the advantage and slams Briscoe onto the broadcast table, busting him open. Briscoe and Kingston trade blows.

Kingston drills Briscoe with some chops. Kingston gouges Briscoe’s wound and drops him with a lariat. Briscoe bites Kingston and rallies as he drops the champion with a suplex on the floor. He hits a diving elbow drop off the apron. Kingston gains the upper hand again and grounds Briscoe. Briscoe clotheslines Kingston, and both men are down. Briscoe rallies again. He hits a Fisherman Buster and a Blockbuster. Briscoe gets a two-count with a Froggy Bow.

The challenger continues to gain momentum, but both men are down after a double clothesline. They go back and forth. Both men are down after a slam off the apron. Mark nearly gets counted out, but he gets back in the ring. Kingston and Briscoe trade blows.

Briscoe levels Kingston with a clothesline. Kingston floors Briscoe with a Dragon suplex and a backfist for a two-count.

Briscoe evades a backfist. Kingston hits another, but Briscoe rocks him with a kick. Briscoe hits a Cuthroat Driver and hits the Jay Driller for the win.

Winner and new ROH World Champion: Mark Briscoe

Streamers rain down, and Briscoe celebrates, as he is crowned ROH World Champion for the first time. Briscoe celebrates with his fmaily and friends, and the locker room joins in.

Kingston and Briscoe embrace as the celebration continues.