WWE SmackDown Results wade barrett corey graves

WWE SmackDown Results (1/19/24)

WWE SmackDown New Year’s Revolution Results

January 19, 2024

Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

Backstage, Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa are waiting. Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman walk in. Reigns says they didn’t fix this, so that’s why he’s here. Reigns storms off. Sikoa mutters that he’ll fix this. He’ll fix everything.

Undisputed WWE Universal Championship Contract Signing

SmackDown GM Nick Aldis is in the ring to administer the contract signing. Aldis introduces the first challenge, AJ Styles. Styles power walks to the ring and immediately signs the contract. LA Knight is next. Knight plays to the crowd and eventually signs the contract. Orton makes his way to the ring. Styles and Knight stare daggers through each other while Orton signs the contract. Aldis announces the final participant, Champion Roman Reigns. Reigns’ music hits, but Paul Heyman walks out alone.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (1/12/24)

Heyman notes that they just arrived and haven’t had a chance to have the contract looked over by a lawyer. The crowd boos. Heyman announces that Reigns will not be signing the contract tonight. Aldis says that’s fine. Heyman walks up the ramp. Aldis adds that he already has three signatures, so at the Royal Rumble, they can have a triple threat match for the vacant championship. Heyman turns around and power walks back to the ring. Heyman runs down Aldis and says the board of directors will never go for this. Reigns should be in a one-on-one match. Knight tells Heyman to shut up, or he’ll cut bacon off his back.

Knight agrees that this should be a one-on-one match. He deserves a rematch because he had Reigns beat at Crown Jewel. Styles and Knight argue. Orton sits back and watches. Styles decks Knight. Knight and Styles fight up the ramp. Officials and referees try to separate both men. Orton grabs Heyman by the tie and tells him he sees what Heyman is trying to do. It’s not going to work. Tonight, Orton promises to take care fo Solo Sikoa, then he will introduce Reigns to an RKO.

Legado del Fantasma (Santos Escobar, Angel Garza, and Humberto Carrillo) vs. The LWO (Carlito, Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro) w/Zelina Vega

Garza tries a sneak attack and gets clotheslined by Carlito. Del Toro tags in and lands a diving rana. Wilde is in. Del Toro slingshots Wilde onto Angel. All three members of Legado at tosses out of the ring. Wilde and Del Toro land dives. After the break, LdF are taking turns working over Wilde. Wilde manages to tag in Carlito. Carlito clears the ring. Escobar breaks up Carlito’s pin. Carrillo lands a disaster kick before Carlito can get his hands on Escobar. Escobar gets a blind tag. Carlito hits the Backstabber, but Garza isn’t the legal man. Escobar rolls up Carlito for the win.

Winners- Legado del Fantasma

Pretty Deadly vs. Butch and Tyler Bate

Bate walks out on the stage alone. New music hits and the ‘Tron says, “Pete Dunne.” Ok, let’s try this again…

Pretty Deadly vs. Butch Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate

Bate and Wilson trade takedowns. Dunne gets a blind tag and obliterates Wilson with a lariat. Dunne stomps on Wilson’s arm after bending his fingers in directions they don’t bend. Bate lands a senton off of Dunne’s back. Airplane spin by Bate. Prince tries to save Wilson, but he ends up getting clocked by his spinning partner’s feet. After the break, Wilson and Prince are taking turns working over Bate. Bate manages to tag in Dunne. Dunne clears the ring. Dunne x-plexes Prince on top of Wilson. Bate takes out Prince with a dive. Dunne snaps Wilson’s fingers and hits the Bitter End for the win.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE SmackDown Results (1/12/24)

Winners- Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate

The KO Show

Owens painfully welcomes his guest tonight, United States Champion Logan Paul. Paul says Owens is the reason he’s in WWE. Owens is confused. Paul shows a clip from WrestleMania three years ago when Owens Stunned him in the middle of the ring. Paul says that was the moment that he decided he had to prove to Owens and everyone else in the WWE Universe that he belongs here. Owens jokes that he doesn’t even remember doing that. Paul is just one of many. Paul lists all of his accomplishments. Owens calls Paul “protected” by WWE. Paul being the United States Champion is a joke.

Owens promises to put an end to it at the Royal Rumble. Paul complains about the cast on Owens’ hand. Owens promises not to have the cast at the Royal Rumble. Owens says he’ll even take it off not. As Owens turns to take off the cast, Paul sucker punches him. Paul mocks Owens. Owens manages to get to his feet, much to Paul’s chagrin. Paul and Owens brawl. Paul slams Owens’ now exposed broken hand into the ring post. Owens screams in pain.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match: Kitana Chance and Kayden Carter (c) vs. The Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn)

Damage CTRL is at the announce desk for the match. Dawn and Fyre attack Carter and Chance as soon as the bell rings. Dawn gets a near fall after a superkick. Chance tags in and lands a rana on Dawn. Corner clothesline by Chance. Carter launches Chance into a top rope rana that sends Dawn flying off the top on top of Carter. Fyre almost gets a quick three count after a cheapshot from Dawn sends Carter falling into a roll up by Fyre. Carter kicks out. Carter surprises Fyre with a slingshot Canadian destroyer. Chance and Carter hit the Keg Stand for the win.

Winners and STILL WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions, Kitana Chance and Kayden Carter!

After the match, the Kabuki Warriors parade around with the titles. Chance and Carter snatch them away. Carter says if they want a shot, they’ve got it.

AJ Styles vs. LA Knight

Styles and Knight trade strikes. Knight sends Styles into the middle turnbuckle face first. Suplex by Knight. Styles kicks out. Both men trade chops. Styles unloads on Knight with a flurry of strikes. Backbreaker by Styles. Styles runs into a pop-up powerslam by Knight. Knight stomps Styles in the corner. Styles rolls out of the ring and baits Knight into eating a running knee. Styles sends Knight into the barricade. Knight drops Styles on the barricade.

Styles stumbles over to the announce desk. Knight dribbles Styles’ head on the announcer’s desk. Jimmy Uso makes his way to ringside. Knight gets distracted by Jimmy. Styles kicks Knight in the head. Solo Sikoa grabs Knight from the timekeeper’s area. Samoan Spike by Sikoa. The referee calls for the bell. Sikoa runs over Styles. Styles rolls into the ring. Solo Sikoa Samoan Spikes Styles. Sikoa grabs a mic and says two down and one to go. Sikoa screams for Orton to get to the ring. Orton is next.

No contest

Randy Orton vs. Solo Sikoa

GM Nick Aldis is at ringside. Sikoa unloads on Orton. Orton rolls out of the ring. Orton tries his table suplex, but Sikoa blocks it. Sikoa launches Orton into the ring steps. After the break, Orton suplexes Sikoa on the announce desk. Orton DDTs Sikoa. Orton calls for the RKO. Jimmy Uso stomps down the ramp. LA Knight attacks Jimy from behind. Styles appears and also attacks Jimmy. Sikoa tries to sneak Samoan Spike Orton. Orton avoids it and lands an RKO. Orton pins Sikoa.

Winner- Randy Orton

After the match, Knight decks Styles. Orton RKOs Knight. Styles gets to his feet and gets RKO’d as well. Roman Reigns hops the barricade as Orton celebrates, and Superman Punches him. Aldis hands Reigns the contract. Reign signs it and tosses it back at Aldis. Reigns tries a Spear, but Orton counters with an RKO. The champ is out cold.

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