Photo Credit: WWE

Elias On Rick Boogs: I Don’t Know If We’re Going To Be Tag Team Partners Or Enemies

Could we soon be witnesses to WWE‘s version of Battle of the Bands between Elias and Rick Boogs?

Elias was a recent guest on WWE Die Woche to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about Boogs, who recently returned to WWE after he had been sidelined with an injury since WrestleMania 38 in 2022, Elias said Boogs cracks him up and feels that they are going to cross paths very soon on Monday Night RAW. He teased that they could either be tag team partners or enemies.

“Rick Boogs cracks me up, man,” Elias said. “That guy is just such a wild character,” Elias said. “I gotta say personality-wise and energy-wise, we’re on two opposite parts of the spectrum here. He is a high-energy metal guy. I’m very much just wanting to sit there and strum my guitar and relax a little bit. But I do have a feeling we’re gonna cross paths. We’re both on Monday Night RAW. We’re just we’re there.

“So I don’t know if that means we’re gonna be tag team partners. We’re gonna be enemies. I’d rather not be, I’d rather keep things cool, but we’ll just have to see how it goes. See if he’s open to kind of learning from somebody that has been there before as a musical WWE Superstar and see where we go. But yeah, he entertains me. He’s a very entertaining guy, a high-energy guy.”

READ MORE: Elias Doesn’t Want To Tell The World What Hospital Ezekiel Is In

What do you make of Elias’ comments? Would you like to see a tag team with him and Rick Boogs on WWE RAW? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

If you use any of the quotes above, please credit WWE Die Woche with a link back to this article for the transcription.