Photo Credit: WWE

Bull James: Maven Is A Great Guy To Have In Any Locker Room

Bull James is really hitting it off with Maven.

During a recent interview with WrestleZone, Bull James (fka Bull Dempsey) spoke about his burgeoning relationship with Maven. The pair recently linked up in ISPW (Independent Superstars of Professional Wrestling), and they already have great chemistry despite only meeting this year.

“I never met him even before until he started working with ISPW and Tommy [Fierro, ISPW owner], but we hit it off like immediately,” Bull James said. “He’s such an easygoing guy. He’s so much fun to be around. Super supportive and enthusiastic, just a great guy to have in any locker room. And so yeah, we hit it off, and we started working together when he was managing the former Danny Doring, now Danny Morrison. And then we worked together again when he was managing Justin Corino. I’ve known Tommy since I was 17 years old and breaking into wrestling. And so he asked my advice on some stuff or just for ideas and things like that, and I do the same with him.

“And I just had this idea that maybe instead of Maven trying to elevate a guy like Justin who a lot of fans might not know, but who is super talented, Justin Corino, and I’m kind of sitting there just doing the same old thing I’ve been doing for over a year now. I was like, let’s change it up a little bit,” James explained. “And then now it’s not two guys where one is picking up slack for the other. We just did two guys with that TV wrestling experience who have both been there and in their own right. And it’s pretty cool. And I think that it’s a cool thing that’s gonna be a lot of fun and we have a lot of ideas already kicking around and like I said with his enthusiasm and stuff it’s just if we can bring the way we are in the locker room together out to the world then I think that it really has some legs.”


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