kane glenn jacobs
Photo Credit: WWE

Glenn Jacobs Accused Of Pressuring County Employee To Lie About Misuse Of Golf Cart

Glenn Jacobs has another golf cart incident to add to his resume.

No, he didn’t try to run anyone over with it like the time he commandeered one at WrestleMania, but Jacobs was recently accused of asking a former employee to lie about the misuse of one. According to a new report from Knox News, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs was named in a lawsuit that was recently settled with a former county employee.

A federal lawsuit was recently settled with Paul White, Knox County’s former Parks and Recreation director. White alleged that he was fired for trying to report Jacobs chief of staff Bryan Hair’s misuse of a county-owned golf cart. The county claimed White was fired because he created a hostile work environment in the parks and recreation department. Hair resigned from his role, but the fallout resulted in an investigation by the state of Tennessee.

Among other complaints listed in the 134-page federal lawsuit, Jacobs was accused of encouraging White to lie to investigators about Hair’s illegal use of a county-owned golf cart. Additionally, Jacobs was accused of pounding a desk and cursing at White after he refused to lie and cover for Hair, who had been found to be using the golf cart at his home.

It was noted that Hair eventually returned the golf cart to the county, but planned on telling investigators that he returned it months earlier. White was pressured by Hair to lie about the total time he had the cart. Hair allegedly threatened to fire White if he didn’t go along with it.

Knox County spokesperson Abbey Harris denied the allegations against Jacobs, claiming Jacobs never pressured White to lie. Harris also showed a reporter some text messages between White and Hair where Hair thanked White for the golf cart when it was delivered. The suit resulted in the county agreeing to pay White $150,000.

Glenn Jacobs is currently serving in his second term as mayor of Knox County, winning the election held in August.

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