Kofi Kingston WWE Talent
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Kofi Kingston Reveals New Day’s Greatest Rivals, Comments On Potential WrestleMania Tag Match Main Event

Kofi Kingston believes that WWE is doing a lot of unheard things in the professional wrestling industry as of late.

New Day member Kofi Kingston recently sat down with Steve Fall of NBC Sports Boston to discuss a wide variety of subjects. When asked about the possibility of a tag team match main eventing WrestleMania someday, Kingston thinks anything is possible based on how things have been going in WWE as of late.

“Yeah, anything is possible,” Kofi Kingston said. “For example, Ronda Rousey being in a main event at WrestleMania, who would have thought that would have ever happened? So yeah, anything is possible, even like Sasha Banks and Bianca Belair main eventing the first night of WrestleMania. Who would have ever thought that two women would be able to main event WrestleMania?

“It’s just like stuff that’s unheard of. So I really enjoy the way that, especially now, WWE has done a great job over the past eight, nine years now of doing things that are completely just remarkable and unheard of in the business. So the women’s revolution, having an all-women’s pay-per-view, even the women having their own Royal Rumble, is amazing and awesome.

“So we’re in a really special time right now in terms of wrestling and really doing things that are historical and groundbreaking. So a tag team match in the main event of WrestleMania is certainly not out of the cards, especially when you have two nights at WrestleMania. Now, who knows, you might even have three nights of WrestleMania. We might do WrestleMania every night for the whole year. We don’t know what’s going on. Every day is WrestleMania. I don’t know. We’ll see.”

When it was suggested to him that The New Day and The Usos should be the first tag team match to main event a WrestleMania, Kingston was in complete agreement.

“1,000% they’re definitely beyond a shadow of a doubt our greatest and most favorite team to go up against because we have parallel stories when we were on the come up,” Kofi Kingston said. “They were also on the come up and changing from more traditional like Samoan heritage and coming out with the lava lavas and traditional dances and face paint and then transitioning into who they are.

“And then adding Roman to the mix and then having The Bloodline and now even Solo and even Sam Zayn now being in The Bloodline, which is an awesome story. I don’t want to compliment Sami too much because then he’ll play this on loop, and he won’t let me forget it in the locker room. But really, they got a great thing going right now for sure. And yeah, anytime that we can go toe to toe with The Usos, it’s a great time for us, but then also for the fans because they know that they’re gonna get an automatic banger.”

READ MORE: Kofi Kingston Discusses His WWE Longevity: It’s Wild To Have Been Around For So Long

What do you make of Kofi Kingston’s comments? Do you think a tag team match could main event a WrestleMania in the future? Let us know your thoughts by sounding off in the comments section below.

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