AEW Dynamite CM Punk Jon Moxley
Image Credit: AEW

AEW Dynamite Results (8/24/22): CM Punk vs. Jon Moxley

All Elite Wrestling delivered a buzzworthy episode of AEW Dynamite on August 24. In the headlining bout, CM Punk faced Jon Moxley in a match to determine the AEW Undisputed World Champion. Plus, the AEW World Trios Championship Tournament continued with a clash between Death Triangle and United Empire.

The results are as follows:

Face-to-Face: Chris Jericho and Daniel Garcia

Jericho kicks off the show and brings up the issues he had with Garcia, one of his favorite JAS members. He calls Garcia a future world champion and his protégé. Fans chant, “You’re a wrestler” a Garcia when he comes to the ring. Jericho says they don’t understand the connection they have, and he knows emotions were running high last week. He says he thinks they can work this out, but he wants Garcia to apologize to him. Garcia responds by telling Jericho he knew how special it was for him to share the ring with Danielson. He emphasizes that he held his own against his hero, and he always dreamt of having that kind of match. He hopes other kids felt the way he felt. Garcia says he didn’t care about being cared a wrestler or a sports entertainer when Danielson extended his hand, and Jericho ruined that moment. Jericho tells him there will be many more moments like that for him because he’s the greatest technical sports entertainer. He wants to hear Garcia say he’s a sports entertainer. Fans keep chanting, “You’re a wrestler,” and Danielson comes to the ring before he can respond.

Danielson says Jericho is trying to bully Garcia. He says Garcia can be whatever he wants to be and tells Garcia that he’s a wrestler. Jericho says Garcia is a sports entertainer, and he tells him to say it. Garcia says he can’t do that right here, right now. He tells Jericho to leave him alone and moves to leave. Jericho grabs him, and Garcia shoves him down.

Danielson says he’s not the biggest fan of sports entertainment, but that was entertaining. Jericho says hearing people say Danielson is the best wrestler in the world pisses him off because he doesn’t see it. Jericho says some people would say he is the greatest wrestler of all time. He says he’s the last survivor of the Hart Dungeon, and he knows more about wrestling than Danielson ever will. Danielson wonders what Owen Hart would say if he was asked which one of them was the better wrestler. He questions who would win a match between them. Jericho agrees to a match between “The American Dragon” and “Lionheart” at All Out.

Hager attacks Danielson from behind and leaves him lying.

Dax Harwood vs. Jay Lethal (with Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt)

The two men feel each other out early on. They’re evenly matched as they trade holds and counters. Harwood drills Lethal with some heavy hands. They exchange stiff chops. Harwood punches Lethal in the corner. Lethal hits an avalanche Russian legsweep and takes control. He grounds the FTR member, but Harwood rallies and chops Lethal some more. Harwood drops Lethal with two German suplexes and follows that up with a release German. Harwood evades the Figure-Four but gets dropped with the Lethal Combination. Lethal dives onto him outside of the ring. He locks in the Figure-Four, but Harwood reaches the ropes. Harwood gets a two count with a small package.

He plants Lethal with a slingshot powerbomb for a two count.  Harwood locks in the Sharpshooter, but Dutt gets up on the apron to break it up. Harwood collides heads with Dutt, and Lethal rolls his opponent up for a two count. Harwood gets a two count with a crossbody. Harwood rolls up Lethal, but the latter reverses it and pulls on the tights to secure the three count.

Winner: Jay Lethal

After the match, Sonjay Dutt reveals that Lethal will team up with two of their friends, the Motor City Machine Guns.

Backstage, Thunder Rosa announces that she is injured, so she is unable to defend the AEW Women’s World Championship due to an injury, so an interim champion will be crowned at AEW All Out.

Billy Gunn (with The Acclaimed) vs. Colten Gunn (with Austin Gunn)

Stokely Hathaway is sitting in the front row for this bout. Billy gains the upper hand early on. He takes the fight to his son outside of the ring. Billy slams Colten into the barricade and maintains the advantage. A distraction from Austin helps Colten gain the upper hand. Billy fires up and unloads on Colten with some punches in the corner. Hathaway attacks Caster, and with the referee distracted, Colten hits Billy below the belt and pins him with the Colt 45.

Winner: Colten Gunn

Hathaway gives Austin and Colten his business cards, and they accept. They attack The Acclaimed and Billy before Swerve in Our Glory come to the ring to chase them off.

Backstage, United Empire vows to beat Death Triangle, while PAC says they’ve been waiting too long for this opportunity, so they’re going to “murder” them tonight.

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. KiLynn King

Baker controls the match early on. She slams King face-first into the turnbuckle. Outside of the ring, she pulls King by her arms so her head gets pressed into the ring post. King dodges a stomp and slams Baker, stunning the former champion. She gets a two count with a Glam Slam-like maneuver. Baker floors her with a superkick and hits the stomp. She makes King tap out to the Lockjaw.

Winner: Britt Baker

After the match, Baker says Rosa’s injury is a shame. She says she wrestled her whole title reign with a broken wrist “because that’s what a champion does.” Baker says Toni Storm will be on a pay-per-view where someone gives a damn because she’ll be in the ring with Baker. Hayter attacks Storm from behind when she charges the ring, and Hikaru Shida makes the save.

AEW Dynamite Results Continue On The Next Page!