MLW Battle Riot III
Credit: MLW

MLW Announces Three New Participants For Battle Riot III

Three additional names have been added to MLW Battle Riot III.

MLW has announced that Myron Reed, Mads Krügger and Gino Medina have been added to Battle Riot III which is set for July 10.

From MLW:

3 new participants have been added to the Battle Riot on Saturday, July 10th in Philadelphia at the 2300 Arena.

Limited tickets are available at:

Mads Krügger: CONTRA’s commander is a brutal force. With his size and experience in Baklei street fights, the “Black Hand of CONTRA” promises to be an impact player in the Battle Riot. Thriving in warfare, will Krügger clinch the Riot and shutdown anyone challenging CONTRA’s kingpin Jacob Fatu for the title?

World Middleweight Champion Myron Reed: The “Young GOAT” has competed in every Battle Riot, which gives him the advantage entering the third Riot. Known for his tenacity and igniting unique attacks in the 40 wrestler extravaganza, the Riot veteran Reed is circled by many to be a favorite to win this year’s match.

Gino Medina: “The Untouchable” luchador will make his Battle Riot debut. A dirty player, expect Gino to use every trick in the book to try and leverage himself into the victory lane. But what happens if he crosses paths with Richard Holliday?

Find out July 10th as MLW presents the Battle Riot!

12 of the 40 participants have now been announced for the match. The announced competitors include Alex HammerstoneKing Muertes, Mads Krügger, Richard HollidayTJP, Myron Reed, Gino Medina, ArezKevin KuLee MoriartyGringo Loco and Zenshi.

Related: MLW Battle Riot III Updated Card