sammy guevara vlog

‘PR Nightmare’ Sammy Guevara’s Latest Vlog Is About Engorged Breasts, Boy Bands And Those Walmart Dudes

Sammy Guevara is back with his latest vlog… sorta.

Guevara talks about all that heat he’s got while the famed “Walmart dudes” pull off an impressive table spot, then he’s nowhere to be found! Big Money Matt collect on a debt, and Brandi Rhodes can’t deal with it anymore and enlists Fuego Del Sol to take out Sammy, who is a PR nightmare. 

Marko Stunt, Griff Garrison and company take over the vlog before Kip Sabian brags about his Dark opponent… Fuego! Five gets a new bike, Suit Cody is back… and he wants QT to close the door to Dark! All of this and more!

Related: Sammy Guevara Addresses Having ‘Lots Of Heat’ Because He Read It On The Internet