humberto carrillo
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Collector’s Corner: Mattel WWE Series 115 In-Depth Review (Photos)

On the latest installment of Collector’s Corner we take a look at Mattel WWE Series 115 featuring:

  • Humberto Carrillo (plus Chase variant)
  • Tegan Nox
  • Braun Strowman
  • Becky Lynch
  • Big E

You can currently get these over on where you can SAVE 10% with discount code MBG at checkout!

Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

The Packaging

This set features the newer blue, red and white 2021 basic style packaging with their names on the side with an image of the wrestler as well as followed by everyone in the set listed on the back. The shape is the same as the 2020 style packaging, just an updated color scheme that looks great.

Humberto Carrillo

Humberto finally has an action figure after debuting awhile back, plus he has a Chase variant we didn’t have in time for this review that comes in a white/blue attire. Humberto features a smiling head scan with his hair slicked. The likeness is okay, nothing fantastic but not too bad at least. He features black wrist bands followed by black elbow pads, his black/red tights with the silver designs. Not to mention black/red kick pads with silver designs as well.

Overall, this figure is pretty good for a first. I hope they make an Elite of him with his cape in the future, but this is a great placeholder in the meantime. I’m not even sure he’s really been on TV much unless I’ve missed him lately, but I was excited to get his first figure being he is on the active roster. If you like him I recommend picking this up, or the Chase version, as I’m not sure we will ever get other figures of him.

Tegan Nox

This is Tegan’s very first figure and it’s received a lot of backlash due to her head sculpt, which a lot of collectors are unhappy with. Unfortunately Mattel has given her a really big forehead due to the high hairline, but she does have some green highlights in her hair, which is a cool attention to detail. On a positive note the body/attire of this figure is really impressive as they put a lot of details in her outfit as well as all the tattoos on her arms and back, which some we actually missed in the gallery below since they’re so tiny you could miss them. Another cool feature of this figure are the molded knee braces on her legs, which are gray and black as well as pretty detailed. These are new molds for Basic female figures and they look great honestly.

Overall, while it is unfortunate Tegan has a poor head sculpt, the rest of her figure looks really nice and it’s impressive for a Basic. Perhaps she will get the Elite treatment in the future where they may do justice for her sculpt, but until then this is the only one that exists. If you can look past the sculpt the rest of the figure is really nice and I recommend it for that purpose. Perhaps you can have a talented customizer make a better head for you if it’s worth it?

Braun Strowman

Braun is very similar to his other figures as of late, but this one has a very mean look on his face, which I much prefer on his figures. Besides his mean mug he is sporting a black tank top, much like his other figures, with the “Monster of the Monsters” logo on his chest. Unfortunately some of the logo is cut off due to how it’s printed on the center of his chest, which is disappointing but I’m not sure that can be avoided due to his torso. He also has several of his tattoos on his shoulders and biceps as well as a tiny one on his torso I never noticed before. Besides that he has his black wrist tape and his cargo pants with the camo-style designs on them followed by his tan army boots.

Overall, if you have one Strowman you pretty much have them all as they all pretty much look the same after awhile. The shirtless one that released not long ago was at least a unique one, but this one looks like his others in that just the attire is slightly different and he may have a different head scan, too. If you like Braun I recommend picking it up but if you’re sick of his figures then I’d say pass on it.

Becky Lynch

Up next we have Becky Lynch, which looks pretty good I must say. She features one of her best head scans to date with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, which is also pretty detailed. She has on a black top that covers her neck and features gold designs going down her chest and gold trim around her arms. The attire also features black shorts that connect to the top. She also features black wrist tape and black knee pads with gold designs on them as well as black socks and black, short laced boots.

Overall, this is a decent figure of Becky. It doesn’t stand very well unfortunately, which is something I’ve noticed with some of her figures as of late with these short boots. Without ankle joints the Basic figures can be tough to stand in many cases, but that’s another thing for another time. While the attire on this figure isn’t super exciting, the head scan alone is worth it if you want one that looks just like her. Some of her recent scans have been questionable but this is one of her best in my opinion. Get it for a head swap if you desire.

Big E

Lastly we have the new Intercontinental champion himself, Big E, in his coloring book style attire. This one goes well with Series 114 Kofi Kingston that recently came out. This outfit is really cool as it really does look like it’s out of a coloring book with the numbered sections that correspond with the colors on the back. Unfortunately Mattel did not color in the dots on his back that would signify the colors that correspond with said sections, which defeats the attire, but it is still fun regardless. You could always color it in if you wanted. Besides that he features his latest smiling head scan with a big grin on his face. He also has his “XW” armband and white wrist bands followed by his white boots.

Overall, this figure goes great with Kofi as mentioned, which is all the more reason to get it so you can display them together in the attire. Besides that it’s just another Big E figure for the collection. I wish the dots were colored properly to complete the attire, but I do love this attire otherwise as it’s just so unique and fun. I recommend this one.


Overall, this is a pretty good set. Some figures are better than others in the wave, as usual, but I do recommend picking up the “First Time in the Line” figures like Tegan and Humberto as I don’t know if they will ever get the Elite treatment. Hopefully they do as Tegan deserves some figure justice after this one. Definitely pick up the unique ones in the set and you can easily pass on the others that aren’t if you already have other versions of them.

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