jake roberts
Photo by Clayton Chase/Getty Images for Music Lodge

Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts Reveals Chronic Lung Disease Diagnosis

WWE Hall of Famer Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts recently appeared on the Nothing Beats Experience podcast and revealed during the show that he has been diagnosed with a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Roberts said that he spent a few days in the hospital in October because he could not stop coughing and was having trouble breathing.

Roberts said that he thought maybe he had contacted COVID-19. He said, “I wish I could say it was COVID, but it’s not. It’s hereditary stuff, man. Not your happy camper stuff. Of course, I’m an ignorant son of bitch because I smoke cigarettes. I’m a dumb f***. I plead to everyone, just don’t smoke and you’ll live a much happier life.”

Just how serious is this condition that Roberts was diagnosed with? Roberts tried to shed some light on it by saying, “When I don’t get the right amount of oxygen into my blood, if I talk for 20 seconds, I’m done. I can’t go anymore. This is going to be something I’ll have to work with forever. Thankfully, AEW actually cares about us athletes and get us the help we need. They really cared for Lance when he got the COVID-19. Sadly, I went down the very next night with this issue. All I want to do is get out there and just do what I do man. That’s all I want.”

You can watch the entire interview below. Thanks to Wrestling Inc. for the transcriptions.

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