Capitol Wrestling Center Triple H
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NXT Introducing New ‘Capitol Wrestling Center’ Tonight

It looks like NXT is getting their own mini version of the WWE ThunderDome as it has been announced that NXT will have an all-new look beginning tonight.

First reported by Sports Illustrated, NXT TakeOver: 31 will be hosted tonight from a re-designed WWE Performance Center that is now being dubbed the ‘Capitol Wrestling Center‘. The Capitol Wrestling Center name is a tribute to the Capitol Wrestling Corporation that was founded by Jess McMahon in 1953 and run by Vincent J. McMahon, serving as the precursor to WWE.

Speaking with SI’s Justin Barrasso, HHH said, “It’s a historic callback to where this all began. We gutted the Performance Center and it’s now rebuilt, so it feels like we’re going back to the beginning. To me, it feels like we’re going back to 1953. Just like then, we’re doing something different and new, taking the business to a whole new level. The Capitol Wrestling Center captures the feel and the vibe of NXT. We will have all the bells and whistles of the ThunderDome, but we’ll keep that NXT feel. It’s edgier, darker and raw.”

It was also announced that actual fans will be returning to the fans for the first time in a long time, including fans that are not friends or family of the in-ring competitors. Triple H said, “We will take every safety precaution that there is. All of this was signed off by our medical staff. Everybody that walks in the building will be PCR tested, take a questionnaire and be medically screened. There will be plexiglass pods with fans that are in groups, and the groups will vary in size. Everyone will wear masks, and each group will never be near anyone else. The building is a throwback to Capitol Wrestling, a business that caused a shift in wrestling. That is exactly what we’re planning on doing again, starting today in NXT.”

The debut of the new CWC takes place tonight at 7:00pm EST on the WWE Network as NXT hosts TakeOver: 31.

READ MORE: Triple H Discusses Possibility Of NXT Airing On Different Night, Is Happy Where They Are