Update On Disqus Removal, Win WWE Network Gift Cards!

Greetings, WrestleZone readers!

As you are aware, we have ended support for Disqus and introduced Insticator as our commenting platform. Insticator will help ease the transition between platforms when you sign-in with a new method (Facebook, Twitter, Google, email) and you’ll be able to retain your “legacy” comments from your original Disqus account. When logging in, you’ll see a prompt to create an Insticator account with the identical information from Disqus or set up your new Insticator account and save your Disqus comments as well.

We understand that change is not always well-received but it was a decision made in an effort to create a better wrestling community here on our website. As a thank you for your help in growing our community, we are giving away ten (10) pre-paid three-month subscription WWE Network gift cards. Now through NXT TakeOver on October 4, we’d like to reward our most loyal followers and encourage more people to sign-up with Insticator.

To enter the giveaway, all you have to do is comment using Insticator! Share your opinion on news posts and live coverage articles, your thoughts on one of our post-show videos or interviews. Winners will be announced on Monday, October 6.

WrestleZone also encourages you to continue sharing your feedback on the user experience so far, as we’ve been sharing the information with Insticator in regards to how we can develop this into a healthy and thriving community. We understand that change is not always well-received but it was a decision made in an effort to create a better wrestling community here on our website.

Thank you for your continued support!