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Naomi On Receiving Support From Fans, WWE Addressing Her Supportive Hashtag

WWE Superstar Naomi recently sat down with Alex McCarthy of TalkSport in which she discussed a variety of subjects ranging from her ring gear to the popular Twitter trend about her deserving better treatment by WWE. Take a look at the highlights below.

On social media being uncontrollable:

There is so much that is out of my control and out of my hands. Some things I’m just tied down to and can’t do or can’t say. But, the support is good. Even the constructive criticism I appreciate. The negativity just fuels me to be better and help me grow. I wanna fix any holes in my game and just continue to grow and evolve. Sometimes I have to step away and take a break. I try to stay positive because sometimes it can weigh you down, but it’s not something I run away from. Social media is a big platform and you got to take the good with the bad. Those trends really matter and change our course of direction at times. You don’t get to choose when the fans matter or don’t matter and I think, especially in this pandemic right now, that’s one of the biggest ways we’re connected with our fans right now.

On WWE addressing the #NaomiDeservesBetter trend on Twitter:

Yes, they addressed it with me. The show is constantly changing and evolving, there’s just so much going on so I don’t know what the solutions are. All I can do is keep doing my part, keep showing up and giving it my all. Ignoring the haters and continuing to do what I love. I’m happy to still be here, be present and be a player. Although what we do is very stressful at times, it’s something I remind myself to be grateful and thankful for. That I’m still able to wake up every day, have a job to go to and not just any job – but a dream job.

On if WWE had any real plans for her besides returning at the Royal Rumble:

It was just I was coming back. It was extremely nerve wracking. I had been gone for quite some time and the one thing after being gone like that, you don’t want to come back and it’s crickets. I was just so nervous if I would be missed and if people would care! Just hearing the audience when I did return I was like YES! They still with me. I’m OK and ready to kick ass. I think because I got such a good response we kind of tried to go somewhere after that, but I don’t know.

On influences behind her in-ring gear and appearance:

It’s literally whatever I wake up and feel like doing and looking like. I remember in the earlier stages of my career I would change up a lot and I was told don’t do that, because it’s hard to brand me and market me. That’s why I change it so much and I try to keep the neon colors for some consistency, but I get bored really quick with a look so I’m always changing my gear, my hair and I like to be creative. I got two awesome seamsters; Julie, who’s been with the company from the beginning. I think she actually started the seamsters department in WWE. And Sandra, she also makes my gear and she’s been making it since the beginning – she made my first gear.

You can read the entire interview on TalkSport.

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