buff bagwell
Photo Credit: Chris McGrath/ALLSPORT

Buff Bagwell Blames This Week’s ‘Bruised Face Cameo’ On His Dog

Along with many other wrestling superstars of the past and present, Buff Bagwell has joined Cameo to give fans the opportunity to get a personalized message from The Stuff. While Buff has done countless videos in the past, one, in particular, made the rounds this week, showing the WCW legend wobbling with a bruised face and a slurred tone to his voice. Check out the full video below:


Because his phone was “blowing up” following the worrying video, Buff went to Facebook Live to announce that he’s not actually a mess of a human being all the time. According to him, the noteworthy clip was caused by several factors, including a time crunch to get the videos done in time and an admittedly drunk night. The bruises were caused by a faceplant to the pavement after Buff tripped over his dog, which he grabs and shows the camera as if he were apologizing to a YouTube audience:


What can we learn from all this? For one, don’t procrastinate in your duties, especially if you plan on getting sloshed the night an assignment is due. For another, try not to trip over your pets in any part of the house. It’s not good for your face and it’s not good for your dog. It’s probably not good for the pavement either. Thirdly, learn to laugh at yourself, as Buff seems perfectly amused by his antics even if the rest of the Internet wasn’t. That’s a lesson we could all learn.

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