Chris Jericho
Photo Credit: All Elite Wrestling

AEW Announces First Casino Ladder Match Entrant, Chris Jericho Declares He Is The Best In The World

Chris Jericho Declares He Is The Best In The World

Chris Jericho has a feeling that he hasn’t had since 2010 according to a new tweet published by himself last night. For the first time in 10 years, Jericho said he truly feels like he is on top of the wrestling world.

He starts off by telling fans he is not trying to be arrogant or egotistical, but thinks of himself as the best in the world when it comes to the pro wrestling business. He ended by telling fans he is not willing to discuss or debate this because it is how he feels regardless of others opinions.

Do you agree with Jericho’s declaration? Let us know in the comments below.

READ MORE: Casino Ladder Match Set For Double Or Nothing

AEW Announces First Casino Ladder Match Participant

Last year at AEW Double or Nothing, a casino battle royal was held and the winner was promised a future championship match. This year, in lieu of a battle royal largely due to social distancing practice, a casino ladder match will be held instead.

While no participants were announced at the time, AEW finally announced the first participant of the match today.

Darby Allin has been officially announced as a participant in the match. The PPV is slated for Sunday, May 23.

Allin recently spoke with WrestleZone’s Dominic DeAngelo about his trajectory in AEW and what exactly charges him up despite not living in his car like he once had to do to get by. Allin said before that he missed that motivation, but now he’s got other aspects to fuel his fire.

“Being presented in front of national television every week and constantly proving people wrong and constantly being, just trying to be as top spot in that company as I can be. That’s what drives me every week now,” Allin told DeAngelo. “Besides money I have a lot more connections with things that can make me become a better athlete or a star or just worker and stuff like that. Even though I don’t live in my car anymore I bought a wrestling ring and I put it downstairs so I’m always training and just everything I can do to get better.”