AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (4/22/20)

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Before the action gets underway, get caught up with this AEW “Road To” video:

The show opened up with a vignette featuring Cody talking about the AEW TNT Championship tournament.

Tony Schiavone and Chris Jericho are on commentary once again hyping the action for the evening including Jimmy Havoc versus Orange Cassidy, a Maxwell Jacob Friedman injury update, and another episode of The Bubbly Bunch. Guevara vs. Allin will kick us off.

Sammy Guevara vs. Darby Allin

Before the Bell even rings, Sammy jumps Darby Allin on the rampway, and delivers a frog Splash on to a bridged ladder before any official action could even get underway and we are already hitting our first commercial.

Back from commercial break, Darby was still being checked on by a medical assistant. Sammy got impatient and threw Darby in the ring and pinned him for only a two count. Sammy would stay on the attack.

Darby begins to mount a comeback by countering a top rope superplex and removing the kick pad of Sammy Guevara and his boots to bite the toe and twist the ankle of Sammy Guevara. Darby then stays on the foot of Sammy Guevara.

Sammy began to fight back with the leg that is still encased by the boot. A sloppy springboard cutter led to a 2 count. Guevara but immediately gets caught into another Toe Hold nearly tapping out to Darby Allin, who is bleeding from his nose. Now, with both men up, a striking battle ensues. Sammy gets the better of it with a spinning backfist. A cover yields yet another two count for the Spanish God and we go back to commercial break.

Back from commercial break, Darby Allin takes the action to the floor and misses a low-pe suicida. Sammy Guevara tries to take advantage immediately and hits a 630 splash but only gets a count of two. Darby stays holding on to the rope and in order to slow the momentum of Sammy Guevara. up and over stunner by Darby, Sammy goes for the torture rack go to sleep but gets caught in the Last Supper pinning combination.

WINNER: Darby Allin.

Darby will now face Cody next in the tournament.

We get an update on Matt Hardy from the compound. He says he wanted an update from Jericho about the Elite Deletion. Then, he says because Sammy Guevara talked about him last week, he would invite Sammy to the compound instead. Matt Hardy has been transformed into his normal human self because he said the broken version of himself is too intense for Chris Jericho.

Up next is Kenny Omega.

Kenny Omega vs. Alan Angels

To start us off, Kenny brushes off a kick to the leg by Alan. Kenny takes him down and gets into a front chancery position and begins to chain wrestle with his opponent for the evening, taking them down with a textbook shoulder tackle. The action speeds up for a moment with Kenny taking pleasure and some strikes including chops and a kick to the midsection. Alan gets away from the snap dragon suplex by biting the thumb of Kenny Omega. A senton keeps Omega down, but he counters a second attempt with knees to the back. Quick cover/ gets only a two for Omega.

Omega keeps Alan in the corner but Alan actually begins to take control before getting stopped by Omega. Angels maintains control of a mega dropping him off on the ring apron with a jawbreaker and hitting a middle rope springboard dropkick for 2. Alan maintains control and staggers Kenny Omega with a variety of strikes before Omega gets his second wind and takes him down with a snap dragon suplex. V-Trigger by Omega, Alan kicks out at 2. Shortly thereafter, a vicious powerbomb folds Angels over. V-Trigger for a 3-count.A different take on the traditional squash match but Omega gets the job done.

WINNER: Kenny Omega

A vignette discusses Scorpio Sky’s love for wrestling.

A recap of Dustin telling Cody he’ll quit if he loses tonight.

Coverage of AEW Dynamite Hour 2 continues on the next page.