ROH Ring Of Honor
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

ROH Wrestling Results (4/13/20): A Spotlight On PCO

ROH Wrestling Results 

Aired April 13, 2020 

Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show opens with a video package about PCO; he says he’s always wanted to be a wrestler. PCO says he’s made mistakes but he continues to chase his dream. He recaps Villain Enterprises’ match with the Briscoes. PCO looks back at winning the ROH World Tag Team Championship and, later, becoming the number one contender for RUSH’s ROH World Championship.

Marty Scurll vs. PCO (Replayed From ROH Glory By Honor)

Before the match, Scurll tells PCO they knew this match was inevitable. He says he doesn’t want the match to come between them, so let the best man win. Scurll hits PCO with the umbrella with a near fall. He hits three stiff kicks to the face. The Villain slams PCO off the top rope. Scurll sends PCO crashing into the barricade. PCO powerbombs Scurll and spears him. A chokeslam plants Scurll on his back.

A senton off the top gets PCO a near fall. Scurll cracks PCO’s fingers twice but a boot drops the Villain. PCO places Scurll on a table but the Villain sends PCO tumbling through it. With the referee down, Brody King kicks PCO and slams him to the mat. It’s still not enough for the win; PCO kicks out of the pin. Scurll accidentally takes King out with a knee and PCO slams the Villain. Scurll falls off the top rope onto the referee. Flip Gordon kicks PCO and Scurll hits the big man with the ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship belt. PCO still kicks out and dives onto Gordon and King. Scurll kicks out after a moonsault. Scurll dodges a dive, which sends PCO crashing onto the apron.

Another moonsault earns PCO the victory.

Winner: PCO

After the match, Scurll says he’s never been the ROH World Champion, and this tournament was the chance to change that. He says PCO took it from him and congratulates him. Scurll says no one deserves the title more than PCO.

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