AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (2/5/2020)

AEW Dynamite Results

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The show opened up with Jon Moxley making his way through the crowd with an upgraded eyepatch. Ortiz out next with his theme song that reminds us if he wasn’t proud, then he wouldn’t be powerful.

Chris Jericho surprises us with his presence before the match gets underway. The crowd singing along to Judas is now very much a part of the show. It looks as though 60% of the Inner Circle will stay by the commentary table as Santana joins Ortiz.

Jon Moxley vs. Ortiz (w/ Santana)

Jericho says that as long as Moxley is in the ring he will be there watching. Crowd chants for Moxley as Moxley takes down Ortiz with a clothesline. Moxley took control of the first portion of the match before the numbers game takes advantage and Ortiz gained control with a DDT and splash that followed. Chris Jericho put over his boy on commentary as Ortiz continued to beat on Moxley. Moxley started to break free from a camel clutch which briefly provided a moment of relief for him before Ortiz shut him down with a sit-out powerbomb.

Moxley tried to gain a submission victory via figure 4 leg lock. Ortiz broke free via a thumb to the clean eye of Jon Moxley. shortly after, because he’s crazy, John Moxley would hit us suicide dive onto Santana and once again continue to take control of Ortiz. Moxley got a two-count via a Black Hole Slam type maneuver.

Later down the line, Ortiz would hit a tumbleweed suicide dive onto Moxley and then try to take advantage with a frog Splash which only got a two-count. fisherman suplex also only got Ortiz the count of two. Moxley would end up winning the match after a miscommunication sent Ortiz into Santana and then Moxley put Ortiz away with the snap version of the Paradigm Shift DDT.

After the match, Santana tried to get the jump on Jon Moxley but also ended up on the receiving end of a Paradigm Shift DDT. Following the DDT, Jon Moxley would take the car key that Chris Jericho had gifted him in January and jam it into an eye of Santana proclaiming “an eye for an eye.”

WINNER: Jon Moxley

SCU vs. Best Friends (w/ Orange Cassidy)

To open it up, the announce team really harped on the whereabouts of Christopher Daniels. there was a heavy reference to The Dark Order recruiting.

Frankie Kazarian and Trent start us off with some chain wrestling. Trent ended up getting the better of the initial exchange and tagged out to Chuck Taylor. Frankie slipped out the back of a body slam and tagged in Scorpio sky. More chain wrestling followed. Chuck Taylor would go for a Moonsault and Scorpio would move and begin a flurry of strikes.

Later on down the line, the match would break down and all four men would be on the outside of the ring. Tren would hit a Spear on Scorpio, Frankie would hit a German suplex on Trent, and Chuck would hit a Flipping Neckbreaker on Frankie. Afterward, orange Cassidy would lay down on the floor just to join everybody else. This would send us into a commercial break.

Back from commercial breaks, the commentary team referenced Chuck dealing with something that appeared to be a stinger. SCU would hit an assisted Tornado DDT double team. shortly after, chuck would find himself re-entering the action and suddenly the best friends down themselves in control of the match. they would take a break to hug but ultimately that would be their downfall as SCU won by taking advantage of their goofiness.


After the match, The Dark Order beat down SCU, Chuck, and Trent. orange Cassidy would be offered a mask by Stu Grayson. he would stick his hands in his pockets to the Delight of the crowd and then be jumped by the dark order. Out comes Daniels and The Dark Order backs off.

We get a vignette covering the feud between Maxwell Jacob Friedman and Cody Rhodes including comments from Taz about the upcoming lashing.

Out comes Dr. Britt Baker, she will face Yuka Sakazaki.

Britt Baker vs. Yuka Sakazaki

The two women lock up and Britt Baker takes control of the arm. Sakazaki utilizes the ropes in order to gain an advantage but Baker quickly delivers a forearm to the face and traps her adversary in the corner delivering a face wash boot for the count of 2.

Sakazaki takes control with a running hurricanrana, a standing top rope senton and then a dive to the outside. Yuka hits a flurry of strikes but gets cut off by a superkick from the dentist and she would surely transition into a Lockjaw attempt but Yuka would end up winning by countering the hold into a pinning combination.

WINNER: Yuka Sakazaki

After the match, Baker would attack her opponent with the ring bell and then knock out one of the teeth of Yuka by stomping on her head while her mouth at the bottom rope. Baker would lock in the Lockjaw for a brief period of time before taking a moment to enjoy her devious work.

The Elite vs. Butcher, Blade, and Lucha Bros

Before the match could even get underway, there was dissension among The Elite. In the nameplate, Hangman was announced as an extra and not a part of The Elite.

There were quick tags between The Elite and they were in complete control before everybody hit the ring and chaos took over and we would go to a commercial break with Fenix hitting a top rope dive onto all four members of The Elite.

Back from break, Nick Jackson is taking out a majority of the opposition and he tags in his brother, Matt who hits Rey Fenix with a multitude of Northern Lights Suplexes. It was a match that the elite should have one but Hangman’s selfishness cost them the victory as Hangman would end up being defeated by Penta.

WINNERS: Butcher, Blade, and Lucha Bros

Kenny Omega was going to be interviewed after the match but PAC interrupted and threatened to hurt Riho. Kenny agreed to give him a match and PAC sicked Nyla rose onto Riho. Nyla and Riho will face off for the championship next week.

A Darby Allin vignette aired.

Joey Janella vs. Kip Sabian (w/ Penelope Ford)

Penelope Ford made her presence felt Plenty of times throughout the match. Sabian got a quick roll-up after Janella accidentally hit Penelope.

WINNER: Kip Sabian.

Next week, Santana will take on Jon Moxley, also, there will be two title matches. SCU will get their tag team title rematch.

Dark Order vignette

Cody and Maxwell Jacob Friedman are out. MJF demands that Cody give him his belt to whip him. After the first strike, Butcher & Blade are out. after the third, Arn is out. MJF shouts that Arn can’t help him. Masterclass by MJF as he screams telling Cody to quit.

Dustin is out after strike #5. he wants to take the rest of the strikes but Maxwell says that’s not how this works.

The entire Elite & Nightmare Family come out.  Wardlow unleashes lash number 9 on Cody. number 10 is delivered by Maxwell and it’s across the chest of a very battered Cody Rhodes. Max gets in a cheap shot to the dick and AEW  goes off the air with Cody being helped to his feet by his family

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