justin roberts
Photo Credit: AEW / Lee South

Justin Roberts Talks The Differences Between WWE & AEW

Justin Roberts had the opportunity to sit down with Wrestling Observer Radio recently and he discussed some of the major differences between WWE and AEW. He was adamant in saying the companies are polar opposites and that he has much more freedom in AEW. Roberts spent 12 years with WWE and has been with AEW since their launch last year. Check out some highlights of the interview below.

On major differences between WWE and AEW:

Everything is completely different. In AEW, Tony Khan is a super nice guy who wants to put on the best possible show and has surrounded himself with great minds along with great talent. He wants us to have the perfect balance of work and life. To do this on Wednesdays and then have the rest of the week to enjoy yourself before coming back next Wednesday is great. We all hang out together after the show and on Tuesday nights we get together for a meeting. They just make it such a fun atmosphere here.

On feeling trusted to do the job right:

They pretty much say ‘If you think this is gonna be good and going to work, go out there and do it.’ They encourage me to do what I think is right. I have flexibility, I am not worried about saying or doing the wrong thing out there. You just go out there and try your best. Everybody is supportive and just wants to put on a good show. There is no micromanaging. I have asked Cody a few times for some advice and he just says, ‘You do what you wanna do. I’m not gonna tell you how to do your job. You do what you think is right, and I’m sure it’s gonna be right.’ They just me to get the job done and I love that.

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