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ODB’s Food Truck Burns Down Overnight, Miz Shares Story About First IC Title Win

ODB’s Food Truck Burns Down Overnight

Some sad news to report about former TNA Knockouts Champion ODB. Her food truck, known as ODB’s Meat and Greet, caught fire while she slept. The truck was last seen by many at Starrcast III days before ODB took part in All Out’s Casino Battle Royale.

The wrestler posted pictures to Instagram showing the damage and promising a swift return.

Woke up to my Foodtruck on fire. Still in shock… nobody was hurt. I’m stayin positive and it will be one helluva meat & Greet comin soon!!!!

Miz Shares Story About His First IC Title Win

During a panel celebrating the 40th anniversary of WWE’s Intercontinental Title, The Miz shared a story from the first time he won the gold at RAW 1000 from Christian. “I got a text from Edge telling me that was the best match I’ve ever seen.” The Miz has gone on to win the belt eight times, which ranks him second in terms of both number of reigns and days held.

RELATED: The Miz On His Dream Opponents, What He Does When the Cameras Are Off