It has been announced that former stars of Wrestling Society X & Lucha Underground combine with lucha libre stars who would have fit well in either series for “solo una noche” of incredible match-ups at Expo Lucha on Saturday night, August 17th in San Diego, CA. In the main event, arguably the two biggest stars to emerge from Lucha Underground, The Lucha Brothers, Penta Zero M and Rey Fenix, go to war against the two stars around whom Wrestling Society X was planned to be built, Jack Evans and Teddy Hart.
The rest of the card contains the following matches:
- FOUR WAY WAR: Juventud Guerrera vs. TJ Perkins vs. Rey Horus vs. Flamita
Drago & Aerostar vs. Aeroboy & Septimo Dragon
Psychosis & Black Taurus & Demus vs. Daga & Ryan Kidd & Tiago
Joey Ryan & Ruby Raze vs. Peter Avalon & Christina Von Eerie
Los Luchas: Phoenix Star & Zokre vs. ROCKNES: Yuma & Goodtime
Tickets to the Saturday night Lucha Society X supershow are only $25 for GA seating. Additional Expo Lucha packages are available including One-Day and Two-Day passes. All-day passes start at $50 and include an additional afternoon show and your opportunity for AUTOGRAPHS FROM & PHOTOS WITH every single talent on the Lucha Society X supershow INCLUDED in your ticket price.
Click here for more information.